The Way, The Truth and The Life


Hi Werb’s Kids and Werb’s Parents!

How are we doing this week?
I am finding it a little crazy that it’s got so cold so quick!
But one thing I do love about Autumn is that because it gets colder outside we can snuggle up warm inside and get cosy.

Plus what’s even better is that now we have a heater in church and a new glass door the heat stays in and we can get cosy in our church home too!

A quick reminder that we are still having services in person as well as online so do sign up and join us. We’d LOVE to see you/
HERE is the link to our services page where you can find all the details and book your places.

Hope you enjoyed this morning as we looked at Jesus being the way!
Hence this cool image of a map.
Jesus is the best way and he will help guide us through life so let’s look more closely at the story now!

I really hope to see you soon so stay safe and stay connected!

Amy x


We’re starting a new series all about following Jesus and how we can learn to be more like him.

Someone who follows Jesus is called a DISCIPLE!

You’ll recognise this word as Jesus had 12 friends who were called his disciples.
But the question is do you actually know what a disciple is?
A disciple is also like a pupil or student of a teacher or leader.

When you follow Jesus you become his disciple because spending time with him helps you to learn his ways and how to live the best life.

Today we’re looking at a passage in the bible where Jesus tells us about how he is the way, the truth and the life.

I want you to close your eyes and think for a moment about a journey you’ve been on recently. Maybe it was a walk in the peak district or maybe it was a drive somewhere.

Did you see any signs along the way? Next time you’re in the car look out the window at what signs you see. Signs are really important and are there to help protect us. If we don’t go the way the signs say we should? We wind up in trouble and maybe even in an accident: we need to obey what the signs say!

In the same way, we need to obey Jesus when He tells us the way to go.
Jesus didn’t just point out a good way to go: He said that He Himself was the way!

But first LET’S PLAY A GAME!

You’ll need at least 3 people to play this!
Start by sitting in a circle facing inwards.  Each person should choose their own unique 'sign' which is a movement or motion such as touching their nose, brushing their hair, giving two a thumbs up etc.  

Go around the circle and give people the chance to demonstrate their sign to the rest of the group.  

The aim of the game is to pass the signs around as quickly as you can without making any mistakes! To pass, you must make your sign followed by the sign of the player you are passing to.

How good are you at seeing and passing on signs?

Hopefully this morning you saw Amy’s flip book on the passage John 14v1-6.
Why not watch it again on YouTube if you missed it?

Below is another video you can watch so you can understand the passage better!

How good is that passage?
This morning I asked you which part stood out the most to you but here are a few other questions I have for you.
There are no right or wrong answers!

  • Why do you think Jesus told the disciples not to be worried?

Sometimes things in life make us worry. Have a little think about what makes you scared or worried at the moment. Jesus tells us not to worry not because things aren’t scary but because he promises to ALWAYS be with us!

  • Do you remember the 3 things that Jesus said about himself?

Jesus said he was THE WAY, THE TRUTH AND THE LIFE!

  • What do you think Jesus means when he said this?

  • What does it mean if someone is the way?

Jesus tells us he’s the one who can guide us and show us the way back to God. We all mess up and sin but thanks to Jesus we are forgiven and can be in relationship with God again.

Then he told us that he’s the truth which means that we know that the way he tells us is always the best way for us. Jesus is the truth and so he won’t mislead us or lie to us. 

Lastly Jesus tells us that he’s the life. Jesus wants us to have the best life and he tells us that if we follow him and follow in his ways we will have life in all its fullness - THE BEST LIFE!

Now this doesn’t mean things won’t always be easy as life but it does mean that we have the one person who not only knows the way but is the way with us!


We are DESPERATE to see what you’ve made. We would love to see your crafts and pictures and show them off at our next services online and in person! Please send a picture of ANYTHING you make from this week and Amy will include it in next week’s video!

  1. Some things to do during the talk:

  2. Get creative!

    • Make your own flip book like I did this morning!
      You’ll need paper cut into several rectangles all the same size. Then you’ll need to think about what drawing you want to do. You can draw anything! To make it move you need to draw the same thing several times but in slightly different positions.
      HERE is a link of a video should want to watch a tutorial.

    • Make your own treasure map being sure to make the way clear!
      There are lots of different ways of making a map from soaking paper in tea to scrunching brown paper and burning the edges.
      HERE is a great video with some good ideas of how to make a map as well as how to make a cool seal at the end to keep it wrapped up!


We sung this song this morning at church. It’s a great song that talks about Jesus being the way, the truth and the life.

Listen to the song and focus in on the lyrics. Jesus promises to be with us ALWAYS.
Another name we call Jesus is Emmanuel. Emmanuel means God with us. Through whatever you face know that God is with you through everything.

Through every battle
Through every heartbreak
Through every circumstance
I believe that You are my fortress
You are my portion
And You are my hiding place.

I believe You are
The way, the truth, the life.

Through every blessing
Through every promise
Through every breath I take
I believe that You are Provider
You are Protector
You are the One I love

Edited and adapted by Amy Farrar from several sources including


