
Hi Werb’s Kids and Werb’s Parents!

How are you doing this week?
Hope you’ve had an amazing half term and enjoyed our light dance party yesterday!

If you missed it is up on YouTube now for you to enjoy!!

This week we’re thinking all about QUESTIONS and right now we all have lots of them don’t we! So we’re thinking about today how God is bigger than all our questions.

Hopefully you are already aware but we’re back online for the next too weeks. 1st & 8th November - our Sunday Services will be online. This decision follows confirmation of two independent cases of Covid-19 within the St Werburgh's community in the last week, and we feel as though the most loving thing to do is to give some space for everyone.

So stay safe and stay connected!

Amy x


As I mentioned this morning I am loving our current series of learning about how to be better disciples and  followers of Jesus.

As we’ve already talked about we’re looking at questions.
Do you enjoy asking questions!?
I hope you remember that not only do we all love asking questions God loves that we ask questions too.

He made us with amazing brains to ask big questions and be curious and inquisitive.
He wants us to keep asking questions and find out answers so that we continue to grow in our understanding of the world and of God!

That’s why we always want you to be reading the bible and thinking about what you hear.
It’s great to ask questions.

In fact did you know in the bible


Questions are good and today we’re looking at a story which has an important question in it which a familiar face is going to help us look at but before we do that…


Is there anything you’ve ever wanted to ask God?
If you could ask God ANYTHING what would it be?
If you have more than one question that’s fine but why not write them down?

Some of your questions we might be able to answer and others may be more tricky. But whatever your question there is nothing to big or small or silly that you can’t ask God about.

This morning you’ll have heard Puppet Joe talk about a story from Mark 10v46-52.

If you have a bible why not check it out as its only a few verses long.
Or there’s a video below of the story so you can remind yourself of what we looked at this morning.

Do you remember the really important question that Jesus asked Bartimaeus?

What do you want me to do for you?

Jesus and everyone around definitely knew that Bartimaeus was blind and yet Jesus still asks the question ‘what do you want me to do for you?’

Jesus often asks us this question too. This question helps us rethink what we really want Jesus’ help with? And it helps us think about putting our trust in him once again.

I mentioned this morning that questions are how we discover truth. And we thought back to our first session of this series when Jesus told us he is the WAY the TRUTH and the LIFE.

Jesus wants us to learn the truth about him so never be afraid to ask questions!

REMEMBER…You can ask God ANYTHING! There is no question too big or too small or too silly to ask.

God wants us to keep asking questions and looking to him for the answers. 

Go back and look again and the questions you wrote down earlier. Talk about them with your parents and you can even email me ( if you’d like me to help you find some answers.
But most importantly why not close your eyes like we did this morning and talk to God about your questions.
He always wants to talk to us and this is why I close my eyes - to avoid getting distracted by things around me!

As we mentioned a few weeks ago prayer is a conversation so be sure to spend some time listening as God may want to answer!

If you want to go deeper there are some amazing books out there to help you face some questions that we all ask. There is a book called ‘That’s a good question’ written by JJohn which is awesome and he unpacks some big questions we all struggle with or often ask! Below is a link should you wish to look at it and buy it for your family.


We are DESPERATE to see what you’ve made. We would love to see your crafts and pictures and show them off at our next services online and in person! Please send a picture of ANYTHING you make from this week and Amy will include it in next week’s video!

  1. Some things to do during the talk:

  2. Get creative!

    • Make a Bartimaeus Pop Up Box.
      You will need THIS printout. You can choose if you want to print the coloured in version or if you want to print it blank and colour it yourself!
      It does include instructions but HERE is the website you’ll need if you’d like a step by step guide.

    • People who are Blind use Braille. A language that uses bumps to work out letters and numbers. HERE is a picture you can print out. You can see the dots for the letters of the alphabet.
      Why not make a braille alphabet and see if you can learn to spell words using it!

  3. Play a GAME!

    • Blindfold yourself and get your parents to give you objects and you have to guess what they are. You get a point for every correct answer!

    • Put together an obstacle course and see if you can do it whilst blindfolded. Think about then how Bartimaeus would have felt being blind and then being able to see.


This week instead of a specific song spend some time listening one of our YouTube playlists

HERE is the link for our “Songs of Hope” playlist which you could put on in the background as you pray!
HERE is the link for our Werbs Kids’ playlist where you’ll find all the songs we’ve done recently along with some newer songs that you might want to learn!

Spend some time with God and as you listen to the worship music talk to God about the questions you have at the moment.

Edited and adapted by Amy Farrar from several sources.


Stormy Times
