

Hi Werb’s Kids and Werb’s Parents!

How are you feeling today? Really hope you’re doing okay!

I’ve already put up my Christmas tree up to bring a bit of light into my home especially as the days get shorter and darker. It seems like many of you have done the same in order to bring a bit of joy back into lockdown 2.0!

I’d love to say once again that if you need anything, please don’t hesitate to get in touch ( Even if it’s just to say hi I’d love to hear from you and stay in contact!

This morning we looked at the story of the great commission and how Jesus sent out 72 of his followers to tell others good news.

Hope you were able to join us this morning for church but if not the full service is now on YouTube if you want to catch up.
HERE is the link for the STWDerby YouTube channel where we upload all our videos if you ever miss any weeks you can always watch again here!

I really hope to see you soon so stay safe and stay connected!

Amy x


Today we’re continuing our series on becoming better disciples and followers of Jesus. 

We’re thinking about who influences us, who we listen and learn from and then thinking about those who we influence and impact too.

We know that Jesus had his 12 disciples who learnt from him and followed his example but did you know within those 12 he had 3 who Jesus was closer with. We do know in the bible that Jesus taught thousands but he also then sent out 72 others to spread the gospel! 

What did you think about the story this morning?
Did you manage to see the video and meet Ted??
It’s up on YouTube now if you missed it and would like to catch up!

BUT here is another version, if you need a little refresh and help jog your memory!

Jesus challenged his 12 disciples as he called them his witnesses. They had the privilege of knowing him first hand and now it was their responsibility then to tell others.

They had to go and spread the GOOD NEWS!

And do you remember what the good news is??

IT’S JESUS! His life, death and resurrection is super good news.

Remember we tell others how Jesus is the way. He’s the way to have a relationship with God. This news is way too important to keep to ourselves! Disciples are meant to make other disciples. If you follow Jesus then you should want to tell others about him!


It’s very easy to be influenced and pressured into doing things by others isn’t it?
Similarly we also have the ability to pressure or suggest and influence others in the decisions they make whether its for good or bad.

Get some paper and draw on it a few different groups of children.
Over the top of each group write one of the following words:

  • Swearing

  • Fighting

  • Bullying

  • Stealing

  • Disrespect

  • Disobeying rules.

Now draw yourself in the middle.

Think about what would happen if you joined each of the groups.
If you joined the swearing group how easy would it be to join in and say bad words or if you joined the group that steals would you be able to resist stealing things if they were all doing it?
What effect might the groups each have on you?

We can be strongly influenced by the people we choose to spend time with.

But you too have an influence and can make a difference to other people’s behaviours.

Now draw a different group of you and your friends.
What kind of influence would you and your friends have on these other groups?
What if you were different but didn’t join in with the bad behaviour? Do you think that you could make a positive influence in these groups?

We can each make personal choices about how we are influenced by others and about how we choose to behave. But you can too be a good positive influence on others.

You can make a difference for good!


“Go to the people of all nations and make them my disciples. Baptise them in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit, and teach them to do everything I have told you.” Matthew 28:19-20a

This morning we learnt it by saying it in different types of voices!
We said it in a high pitch voice, very slowly, very quickly and in a posh voice.
But can you think of any other ways you can say this verse? Maybe SUPER LOUD or SUPER QUIET or maybe could you even say it backward!?!

Have a go and enjoy learning it!

But remember we talked about how you don’t need to travel the whole world to tell people about Jesus! We talked about how we don’t have to go on long journeys to other countries to tell other people about Him, you can do it wherever you are.

We talked about inviting our friends to church and especially as we’re online it’s so easy just to send a link over to them!!


  1. Some things to do during the talk:

  2. Get creative!

    • Make a collage or a creative picture of the world.
      Once you’ve done this draw a picture or stick on a picture of your house as a reminder that you don’t need to travel the whole world to tell people about Jesus you can do it wherever you live.

    • Make a megaphone to help you shout out the good news!
      HERE is a template you can use for your megaphone. Colour it in. You may wish to add stickers or glitter or whatever to make your megaphone stand out!!
      You could add the memory verse or just simply “Tell the GOOD NEWS!”.
      Once its decorated stick it together to create the cone which you can then shout through!!


As we’re talking about telling the good news and Christmas is almost a month away the song I’ve chosen this cool version of ‘Go Tell It On The Mountain’.

It’s a song you’ll hopefully know but if not it’s all about telling people everywhere you go about the fact Jesus has been born and what great news that is to share!!

Edited and adapted by Amy Farrar from several sources including


Live Courageously


Wise Up!