Live Courageously
Hi Werb’s Kids and Werb’s Parents!
You doing okay?
Really hope you were able to join us online on Sunday but if not then don’t worry you can catch up on the STWDerby YouTube channel!
Today we’re finishing off our series about how to be the best disciples and followers of Jesus. But I really hope you feel like you’ve learnt more about what it means to be Jesus’ disciple.
We’re thinking this week about how Jesus lived courageously and never walked away when things got really hard.
Life is really hard right now. But we don’t have to do this alone!
We can learn from Jesus and see what he did in the face of tough situations but also we’ll see how we can depend on God and get his strength when faced with hard times.
PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE don’t struggle alone.
If you are in need or just want prayer please get in contact.
My email is and you can message any time.
So stay safe and stay connected!
Amy x
quick recap!
This is our last week of this series so let’s just go over briefly what we’ve learnt about being a disciple and follower of Jesus over the past few weeks.
What do you remember from the past few weeks?
We have learnt that being a disciple is:
someone who learns
someone who knows knows Jesus is the way and follows in his ways
someone who spends time with God
someone who follows Jesus’ example and has compassion on others and those around them
someone who asks questions in order to gain understanding
someone who seeks out and asks God for wisdom to help with any choices they made or challenges they face.
someone who wants to tell others about Jesus! A disciples makes other disciples!
Last week we had a craft where you had the chance to send out invitations to friends s that they could watch church too or even our Christmas service on the 20th December.
Who did you send yours to? If you didn’t get a chance HERE is the print out and if you did why not send MORE!?
Jesus was courageous
Even when things got tough Jesus never walked away, he lived out his faith and was courageous in everything he did.
You probably know this next story quite well but take a look again and specifically look out for how courageous Jesus is even though he faces an incredibly hard and scary situation.
Today we looked at a story you probably know quite well as we look at it every Easter! But this week we’re looking at it in a different way. As you watch the story again remember to listen out for how courageous Jesus is in this situation he’s facing.
As we know Jesus faced a seriously hard situation. He knew that he has to die on the cross for everyone so that we can all be friends with God again but he also knew that it was going to be painful and hard.
Do you remember where he goes and what he does in the story?
He could have run away but instead he goes to the Garden of Gethsemane to pray with his friends. He knows that in order to face this he needs God’s help.
If this year has told us anything, it’s reminded us that life isn’t easy! We’ve all had to face hard times this year from not seeing family and friends to being home schooled earlier in the year.
And we’re still facing hard times right now with coronavirus. But we never have to face this alone. We have an amazing community plus God is ALWAYS with us and he can give us the courage we need to face it.
When Jesus prays his prayer he says “please take this cup from me”. There are times in our lives when we don’t want to face the hard times and we ask God to take it away. But this doesn’t always happen.
In Jesus’ next part of his prayer he says “not my will but yours be done”.
Jesus knows God is in control and even though Jesus doesn’t want to face this he tells God that he is trusting him by saying ‘your will be done’ sometimes we too need to trust God when we face tough times.
Sometimes bad things happen and there’s nothing we can do but face them and often when get out the other end, we realise the hard times have made us stronger, more courageous, better people because we faced something difficult.
Diamonds are beautiful aren’t they. Have you ever seen a super pretty sparkly diamond on some jewellery? Did you know that Diamonds are made under pressure. They have to go through a seriously hard situation to be made. Sometimes this happens to us too!
We get made into something beautiful once facing something tough.
Some things to do during the talk:
This story is part of the bigger Easter story so why not draw one of your favourite parts of the big Easter story. Maybe the resurrection or the last supper when Jesus spend time with his friends.
Get creative!
Create a ‘Watch and Pray’ garden gate!
You will need some craft or lollipop sticks, some pens, glue and maybe make some little flowers! If you don’t have craft sticks then you could just use some cardboard or normal card instead. Cut them into strips and stick them in the same way!
HERE is a great website with instructions and pictures to follow.Your Will Be Done TREE
HERE is a picture you can print out and then complete. It’s an amazing way to pray for people. As it suggests you could use playdough but also paper or card would work just as well!
Listen to this song called ‘Story Of The Cross’. We’ve sung it a few times this year and it’s an amazing song that get us thinking about how Jesus gave his life for us.
As you listen do as the song suggests and say Thank You. You might want to make a list of all the things you are thankful for.
Created by Amy Farrar from several sources.