Hi Werb’s Kids and Werb’s Parents!
Hope you are all doing well.
Are you someone who looks on the bright side? That’s what an optimist is. Someone who sees the good rather than the bad. They look for the positive instead of the negative.
With so much negative around us sometimes it is hard to see the positive and the good. But God is still good and he’s still working even if we don’t feel like he is or we can’t see what he’s doing.
This is what we’re talking about this week!
I think we are all in need of a boost so by reminding ourselves that God is in control and that he has us in his hands we can look to the future with hope. We can dream of better and play our part in making that come about.
Here are a few of my favourite quotes that bring about optimism and hope in me!
The best is yet to come.
It’s always darkest before the dawn.
I trust the next chapter because I know the author.
Stay safe and stay connected.
What a funny name! Habakkuk was a prophet and we’re looking at him today!
Do you remember what a prophet does? We briefly covered it during our Dry Bones session when we met Ezekiel. You can watch a video HERE that helps explain what a prophet is.
Anyway Habakkuk is a very interesting character and it’s not just his name that is cool!
But before we get into it…LET’S PLAY A GAME!
This is a spelling game - Habakkuk’s name is a little strange but not only that it’s full of lots of similar letters.
Write out your full name.
So I would write: AMY-JANE FARRAR
Then you need to jumble up the letters and see if you can make any other words using just the letters in your name!
How many words can you get?
As I mentioned before you have probably never ever heard of Habbakuk and you might not even be sure how to say his name!
But his story is pretty cool and we can still learn lots from it today. So, we’re gonna look at Habakkuk in 4 simple parts!
This video introduces Habakkuk! As mentioned before he was a prophet and hopefully you have already reminded yourself what a prophet was.
So Habbakuk was a prophet and he told God’s people what he said. It wasn’t always the best job as sometimes prophets gave God’s people bad news as they messed up ALOT!
As we learnt from the video Habakkuk’s name means “to wrestle” because he wrestled with God’s people and also with God. Habakkuk did not like how so many people did bad things and it looked like they got away with it.But God told Habbakuk to relax and let God be God.
He says that something great is going to happen and that he is control!
God was gonna do something unexpected.
Things don’t always make sense but have faith that God is in control
Let’s see what happens next!
Habakkuk complained A LOT! He complained that life wasn’t fair.
Habakkuk has this picture where he stands on a watch tower and watches God’s people. He really cares about them and wants them to do better but knows that they are doing bad things, lot’s of bad things and this is what he complains to God about.
Do you ever complain? What do you moan or complain about? As we mentioned before Habakkuk didn’t like the fact that bad things were happening.
God said he was going use the Babylonians - God’s enemies who were really REALLY mean - to teach his people a lesson. Habakkuk didn’t like this idea either and so complained EVEN MORE!
But he needed to trust God. Habakkuk thought he knew better but no ones knows better than God.
We need to trust God too even when he doesn’t give us the answers that we want or when things don’t go the way we want them to. Instead of always complaining, trust God instead and talk to him about whatever you’re facing.God sees the bigger picture and so we need to trust that he is in control.
God is paying attention so have faith that God is in control.
Let’s find out what happens next!
We learn in this video that Habakkuk was trying to help God’s people. He was trying to tell them about all the bad people in the world.We know that there are bad people in the world too don’t we. Unfortunately there are people who want to hurt others. If you ever are being bullied or hurt by someone else make sure you tell a teacher, parent or adult you can trust. Our world is broken and there will probably always be someone in the world who could hurt you but this doesn’t mean we stand by and let it happen. Talking to an adult means the situation can be sorted out and you can be safe.
God knows our world is broken and he hates it. He hates sin because it hurts us.God loves us SO MUCH and doesn’t want us to get hurt but because the world is broken bad stuff still happens to good people.
Habakkuk knew all of this and that’s why he was so sad and complaining.
But he did know that God is the KING! As we’ve said all the way along God is in control. Even though the world is broken we need to remember that God will win in the end! Everyone will one day know who God is and bow to him! What a great thing to look forward to!
And last but not least....
Did you remember what Habakkuk’s name meant? WRESTLE!
Habbakuk wrestled with God because life wasn’t fair.
You can shout and complain to God when things aren’t fair. You can tell God anything. But remember when you finish moaning and complaining, that God is in control. He knows what he’s doing and wants the best for us.
We are told in this video that there are 2 ways to look at every problem.You can look on the bright side or the dark side. How do you look at things? Are you a bright sunny side thinker or gloomy dark side thinker? Let’s try and be people who look for the light! Don’t look for the bad, look for the good!
We can always look on the bright side with God on our side.We can’t choose our problems but we can choose how we face them. By facing them in a positive way and with God we can know that we can make it through whatever we face.
God saved you! We are saved because of Jesus and he will help you look on the bright side! We can trust God and have faith that God is in control.
For all ages:
As mentioned at the beginning Habakkuk has a weird name!
But we find out his name means “TO WRESTLE”
This is because he wrestles and challenges others with his words. He has important conversations with God’s people and with God.
He wrestles with God by complaining and asking lots and lots of questions.
I want you. to know you can wrestle with God too.
True friends are those who can tell each other anything. You can tell God anything.
Habakkuk asked God hard and difficult questions.
And you can too. If you can ask God anything what would it be?
Write down some questions and spend some time talking to God.
You can be real and honest with God about anything.
Don’t forget to listen once you’ve asked your questions. God loves to chat with us.
Something to do during the talk:
- Habakkuk colouring sheets ONE and TWO
- Bible verse colouring sheets ONE and TWO
- Wordsearch
- Part of the story of Habbakuk was him stood on a tall tower watching God’s people. Draw a mighty tower with Habbakuk looking out!Build a tower out of lego or duplo! Remind yourself how Habakkuk stands on the watchtower and complains but also how he looks out for God’s people.
We talked about how we need to look on the bright side.
Count your blessings! How many things can you name that are good and that you are thankful for? Make a picture of all the things you listed or make them out of play dough or salt dough.Habakkuk’s name means to wrestle so….LET’S MAKE WRESTLING MASKS!
THIS website has the instructions and HERE is where you can print out the template!
We’re thinking about how we can trust God and this beautiful speaks of this.
Listen to this song and think about the lyrics. Think about the line “your goodness is running after me”. What do you think this means? How does God’s goodness run after us?
“I love You Lord
Oh Your mercy never fails me
All my days
I’ve been held in Your hands
From the moment that I wake up
Until I lay my head
I will sing of the goodness of God
All my life You have been faithful
All my life You have been so, so good
With every breath that I am able
I will sing of the goodness of God
“I love Your voice
You have led me through the fire
In darkest nights
You are close like no other
I’ve known You as a father
I’ve known You as a friend
I have lived in the goodness of God
Your goodness is running after, it’s running after me
Your goodness is running after, it’s running after me
With my life laid down, I’m surrendered now, I give You everything
Your goodness is running after, it’s running after me”
Edited and adapted by Amy Farrar from several sources including energize.com