Usually at Focus if you are aged 0-11 then you would head to the Kids village each day for your sessions after spending some time worshipping in the Big Top with everyone!
You would go to your specific aged tent where you would enjoy fun activities, crafts, worship and much much more!
Obviously this year we can’t meet together BUT Kids Pastors from across the Network have put together an unmissable Focus Kids episode full of fun family worship, games, challenges and some familiar faces!
As well as this there are also be age-specific activity packs so you can bring the fun of Focus Kids to your home too!
For those aged 0-3 CLICK HERE
For those aged 4-6 CLICK HERE
For those aged 7-10 CLICK HERE
As already mentioned we will be streaming the kids content won our online platform ( at 9.30am on the 26th July but if you miss it from 12pm it will be available to watch again on our YouTube channel (stwderby).
If you’d like to learn more about Focus or even consider booking on for next year check out their website!