Unexpected Kindness
Hi Werb’s Kids and Werb’s Parents!
Hope you are all doing well and spent some time in the sunshine recently!
I am loving being outside!
Be sure to have lots of fun but also look after yourselves.
To me it seems like as time has gone on whilst we’ve been in lockdown lots of things have changed. At the beginning I saw so much love and kindness. So many neighbours talking and caring for each other.
But now I don’t see as much.
Things keep evolving as time goes on and as places begin to open up more and more, I’m reminded of a quote: be the change you wish to see.
As things continue to change in our world let’s make sure that we spread kindness because a simple smile can be infectious and completely change someone’s day!
Stay safe and stay connected
Amy x
Our story today is all about unexpected kindness and true friendship!
So I wonder….what do you think makes someone a great friend?
Is it someone who is great at playing games or makes you laugh? Maybe you think a great friend is someone who shares their toys or cares for you when you’re sad?
Write down or draw some things that you think make someone a good friend.
Below is a funny video of 2 friends called Wallace and Gromit!
They are best friends. As you watch the video have a little think of what kind of friend Gromit to Wallace?
And then what sort of friend was Wallace back to Gromit and how would you describe the way the work together?
They are quite funny aren’t they!!!!
Gromit (the dog), I think, is super faithful and loyal. He says by Wallace and helps him when he needs it.
Gromit is a bit grumpy at times but wants what is best for Wallace and so doesn’t hesitate to be there for him even if it’s in the middle of the night! Whilst Gromit is a good friend, he is far from perfect!
Now Wallace may not be an amazing friend by giving him some pretty unfair tasks but he always includes Gromit in everything and he sticks by him. He loves being in a team with Gromit.
You get the sense that they both need each other and whilst their friendship may not be perfect it works. They work together and remain true to each other.
Think of your best friends…think of words that describe what makes them so special.
What bout other famous friends? Can you name any?
From Paw Patrol and Hey Duggee to Disney friends like Anna and Elsa with Olaf or Harry Potter with Hermione and Ron you should be able to think of at least one if not more!!
Grab some pegs! We’re thinking about kindness and how you can pass it on and give it away.
I like to think of it a bit like a peg stuck on someone else which hopefully they will then pass on too!
Everyone gets the same number of pegs. Start by pegging them onto yourself. The aim of the game is to get rid of all you pegs so start a timer and see how many pegs you can get rid of! But as you give away someone might be putting them back on you!! See how many you end up with at the end!
Be sure to be gentle and don’t peg skin or hair cause that hurts!
I think God wants to talk to us about what it means to be truly kind.
Do things for people not because of who they are or what they do in return, but because of who you are - Harold S. Kushner
I love this quote! If we are God’s people and we know we belong to his family then we should be kind loving people like our Father in heaven.
Have you ever noticed that the more time you spend with someone the more likely you are to act like them or say the things they say.
It’s exactly the same with God! We know our God is loving, fair, good and kind. So the more time we spend with him the more we will be like him in those ways. Who doesn’t want to be loving and kind like God!?
In this weeks story we see some amazing acts of kindness.
First there’s Ruth and then Boaz shows kindness too!
If you' don’t know the story check out the video below!
Read the story for yourself! The ‘The Lion First Bible' and ‘The Beginner's Bible' both contain clear, helpful versions that you might want to look at.
If you don’t have those bibles you can use your own or HERE is a version you can read together.
Think about these questions together:
What sort of friend was Ruth to Naomi?
Why did Ruth go back to Bethlehem (Israel) with Naomi?
What do you think Ruth mean when she says ‘Your God will be my God'?
Like Ruth we can also say ‘God is my God'. If that is something we believe, what does that mean for our friendships? If you believe in God, you should put your faith in action – you can do this by really loving and caring about their friends and family…just like Ruth.
Ruth knew how much God loved her and therefore she loved Naomi. Close with a prayer reminding yourself just how much God loves each one of us.
For those aged 0-6:
Ruth was a great friend when she didn’t have to be. She could have stayed in Moab a place she knew and was her home but she wanted to show Naomi love and true friendship by sticking with her and staying by her side. This is what we mean when we use the word loyal or faithful.
Ruth was loyal and faithful to Naomi.
Hopefully earlier you came up with some words to describe your friends. Do these words also describe Ruth?
Ruth was an incredible friend. Not everyone would leave their home to stop someone else from being alone.
Think about what words are different to describe Ruth. How could you be a ‘better’ friend in the future?
Focus on the love and care Ruth showed Naomi. Maybe you can do small things like sitting with someone who is on their own or helping someone when they are sad or hurt.
Now think about Boaz. How did he show kindness?
He gave what he had and that was extra food to help Naomi and Ruth live.
What do you have that you could give someone which would show kindness?
This could be a smile, a card, a gift etc.
For those aged 7 and above:
Spend some time thinking about the difficulties we go through at different times and the things that might make us feel very sad or very happy.
Sometimes the reactions of our friends can either help us or make things worse for us.
Imagine you’ve fallen over and cut your knee. It’s not serious but it hurts and you feel sad.
One of your friends comes up and isn’t helpful. They laugh and then say ‘you’re fine’ before walking off.
Next another friend comes up and asks if you are okay. They sit you down, get you a plaster and then stay with you, talking about funny things until you begin to feel better.
Who was the better friend?
Imagine the coolest kid in school is calling you a nasty name.
One of your friends looks at you but doesn’t come over. They don’t want to get involved.
One of you friends runs over and stands by your side and tells the bully to go away. They then tell an adult to make sure it doesn’t happen again.
Who was the better friend?
Being a true friend is not being afraid to help even it could put you in a tough position.
Being a true friend is better than being cool. Those who are liked the most are hose who are the most genuine and friendly people.
These verses below will help us to keep thinking about kindness and friendship.
You could just pick one verse or look at all 3.
What commandment has Jesus given His disciples?
What is the greatest thing you can do for a friend?
Can you think of any commandments God has given about how we are supposed to treat other people?
What can you learn about friendship from this passage?
Acts 24:23 and 27:3
What did Paul's friends do for him?
What sort of things do you think his friends helped Paul with?
Should friends give things to each other without expecting things back in return?
When is a friend loyal?
Can you think of times when it would be difficult to be loyal to a friend?
How was Ruth loyal to Naomi?
What do you think that “wounds from a friend” are?
Why might a good friend sometimes do something that upsets you – can you think of an example?
There is a saying “cruel to be kind” – what does this mean? Do you think that this passage is about being “cruel to be kind”?
Why is it better to be told the truth by a friend than to be flattered by someone who doesn't care?
What can you learn about friendship from this passage?
These Bible passages about friendship and tell us lots! John gives us Jesus' commandment to love one another; Acts shows us briefly that Paul's' friends responded to his needs – which raises questions about how much friends should be prepared to give one another – and Proverbs looks at the times when friends have to be cruel to be kind!
Something to do during the talk
- Story colouring sheets ONE and TWO
- BE KIND colouring sheet
- Maze
- Wordsearch
- Draw what you think Naomi, Ruth and Boaz looked like!
- Could you write a poem about Kindness?
You could maybe think of something that starts with each letter. Or maybe just draw something that you think explains kindness.Send a hug…
You will need a reasonably big piece of paper for this or a few pieces of paper stuck together. You will need to line down with your arms open side on this long sheet of paper. Then you’ll need someone to draw round you! Cut along the line so that you have a silhouette of yourself. You might want to decorate it or write a message but then fold it up and post your hug to someone who might need it.HERE is a better explanation should you need it to send your hug!
Make some bunting!
Seeing as it looks like we’re heading into summer, make some bunting for outside! Simply cut some paper into triangles and decorate it. Then stick those triangles onto some string and there you go! I’m sure it will make someone smile!Look for kindness
For this you need a pair of binoculars. If you don’t have a real pair, make some simply using 2 loo rolls stuck together! Decorate them however you want!Then next time you go out use them to look for kindness.If you can’t find any kindness then you need to get to work! If you see someone smile and say hello. Or pick up some litter (be sure to wash your hands after!). Or give someone a compliment which means saying something nice about someone!
This song is all about the kindness that God shows us by sending his son, Jesus to save us. Listen to the song and thank God for how kind he is to us. Make a list of all the things you want to say thank you for!
Spend some time talking to God. Thank God now for Jesus and all the kindness he shows to us each day.
We have before made kindness jars and we also made “I dream of” jars. Take a look at these again and see if you wrote down anything you could now do to show kindness.
As things begin to loosen you might be able to see some of your friends again. Be sure to tell them how much you have missed them and love them whilst keeping safe.
When it comes to kindness we need to not only show it with our actions but by saying kind things and how you feel people will know how much you care!
However you show kindness this week be sure to still stay safe. The virus hasn’t gone away yet so please keep washing your hands, keeping your distance and being sensible when you’re around others and not at home.
Edited and adapted by Amy Farrar from several sources including energize.com