Good Friday - The Journey

Hello Adventurers!

It’s Good Friday!

Some people think Good Friday is a funny name for today, as some of the things that happen are sad but it’s actually a really good day because of what we remember Jesus doing for us. 

To go on this journey you’ll need a map!
Click HERE to print out yours and colour it in!

You’ll also need several pieces of paper and some pens or pencils.
Most of the other crafts you could do after you’ve been on the Good Friday adventure with Amy.

Don’t do this journey alone!
You can journey with Amy through Good Friday!


The Last Supper

Although lots of people loved Jesus there was a group of people who hated him. These Jewish Leaders wanted Jesus gone!
Judas who was a friend of Jesus let him down and helped them arrest him.

Jesus shared a special meal with his friends and told them he had to go on the cross and had to die in order for everyone to be able to become friends with God again. Jesus’ friends didn’t really understand.

After the meal Jesus’ friend Judas ran off and told the Jewish Leaders (those who hated Jesus) that he was going to pray in the Garden of Gethsemane.

In the video you saw that I made little figures of the characters.
If you’d like to make them too HERE are the outlines. You may want to stick them to card to help them stand and don’t forget to also make a table with the bread and the wine that they shared at Jesus’ last meal.


Garden of Gethsemane

Jesus decided that he needed to pray.
Jesus knew that when things were the hardest and seemed to be the darkest this was the best time to talk to his Heavenly Father.
Let’s make prayer trees and pray together for those who are who are going through hard times right now.

You’ll need: A jar / Stones or dry rice or dry beans
Sticks or twigs / Paper cut into leaf shapes / String

I used a mason jar and filled it with small stones from my garden.
Then I used the sticks to create my branches and pushed them into the stones so that they would stand upright. I cut out some leaves from paper which I hole-punched and tied them onto my tree using string.
Don’t forget to write a prayer on each leaf for someone in need.


Peter lets down Jesus

Jesus had told Peter that he would let him down 3 times and then a cockerel would crow but Peter said he would NEVER as he thought he was a better friend than that.
But just as Jesus had said Peter let Jesus down.

Has someone ever let you down? How did it feel?
Or have you ever been a bad friend?
How did you feel knowing you had let someone else down?
Have some time to sit and think.

Get some paper and write or draw a card or a note to someone to say sorry for letting them down. Or if someone let you down make them a card to tell them you forgive them.


Pilate washes his hands

The Jewish Leaders had got everyone to be on their team against Jesus. They made them hate Jesus.
A man named Pilate was in charge of the area in which Jesus lived.
He was very confused, as he didn’t think Jesus had done anything wrong but he gave into the crowd. He didn’t want to be part of what would happen next, so he washed his hands to show the people this.
This now meant the Jewish Leaders could go ahead and get rid of Jesus.

Have you ever hated someone or something?
Hate is a strong angry word and yet lots of people hated Jesus so much.
How do you think Jesus felt at that time?
Draw a face of how your think Jesus felt at this time.


Jesus on the cross

When Jesus was on the cross he took every mean or selfish word, thought or action. Jesus took every lie, every hurt, every nasty horrible thing that anybody has ever done.
Even though Jesus had never done anything bad ever, he took the punishment for us so we could be friends with God again.

We’ve been singing the song ‘The Story Of The Cross’ by Rend Collective.

Spend some time singing and doing all the actions to the song now.

This is the story of the cross
The Father loved us, oh so much
That when we did our very worst
Jesus gave His very best
And He died for all of us

This is the story of the cross
That we were broken, we were lost
So then You built a bridge to us
Took our hand, led us across
Oh, I’ll never know the cost

If I said thank You a million times
It’s not enough
But I’ll sing praises for all my life
’Cause I’m in love with You

Oh oh oh, amazing grace
Oh oh oh, You took my place
Oh oh oh, now I am changed
By Your mercy, Your kindness
This is the story of the cross
This is the meaning of the cross
That I am now a friend of God
Oh, even at my loneliest
There’s no greater love than this
You took the nails to hold me close

If I said thank You a million times
It’s not enough
But I’ll sing praises for all my life
’Cause I’m in love with You

Oh oh oh, amazing grace
Oh oh oh, You took my place
Oh oh oh, now I am changed
By Your mercy, Your kindness
This is the story of the cross

This is the story of the cross
The Father loved us, oh so much
That when we did our very worst
Jesus gave His very best
And He died for all of us

Temple curtain is torn

When Jesus died several things happened!
There was a huge earthquake and the sky went dark.
In the temple, the most sacred holy place where God was, there was a big thick curtain which was torn in two. This was to show that Jesus had taken away all the things that get in the way between us and God so we could be his friends again!

We’re gonna spend some time now thinking about this.
You will need a piece of paper and a pen or a pencil.
Write or draw something on your paper to say sorry to God. This is just between you and God so be honest and real with him.

To show that it doesn’t get in the way tear up your piece of paper just like how the temple curtain was torn in two!


Jesus is buried

Jesus gets taken down from the cross and put into a tomb. A very heavy stone was rolled in front to close it shut and soldiers stood guard outside.

All of Jesus’ friends were really sad. The one person they loved most was gone and they felt hopeless.

BUT….this was not the end of the story!
It was the end of the Good Friday journey but not the end of the Easter story!
They had to wait to find out what would happen, and now we need to wait too.

Be sure to tune in on Sunday to see what amazing thing happens at the end of the Easter story!

I’d love to see your finished maps all coloured in so don’t forget to tag us on instagram (@werbskids) and use the hashtag #werbsathome

Visit our Werb’s At Home page to access all the amazing resources to help you engage with God and others as a scattered church community during this time.




Virtual Easter Party!