What do you put your trust in?
Today we’re looking at Jeremiah 17v7
‘Blessed is the one who trusts in the Lord, whose confidence is in him.’
and what it means to trust in God!
The service starts at 9:30am on
But this button will go live about 11am on Sunday 18th April for you to watch the service again if you missed it live! You won’t want to miss out!
Hope you enjoyed our Werb’s Kids Service this morning!!
We love how everyone is getting involved so don’t miss out! Just email Amy ( so that we can keep making it better and better and involving more and more people!
Today we’re looking at trust. We’re looking at a special bible verse all about trusting God!
Amy helped us learn it this morning but do you remember it? Can you try to memorise it?
Jeremiah 17v7: ‘Blessed is the one who trusts in the Lord, whose confidence is in him.’
Okay so when you think about trust, what comes to mind?
Trust is very much like faith to have faith in something you need to trust it.
Loads of people in the bible trusted God and we can see how faithful and good God was. When we hear these stories they should help us know we too can trust God and put our faith in him.
When I think of Trust I also think of a few other words that I’d like to share with you:
TRUTH - Someone you can trust is truthful and will tell you the truth.
RELIABLE - When you can trust someone you can depend on them always. You believe they won’t let you down and God will NEVER let us down. EVER!
CARING - People who you can trust will care for you and will look after you.
Can you still remember that bible verse?? try and say it again!
Jeremiah 17v7: ‘Blessed is the one who trusts in the Lord, whose confidence is in him.’
This verse talks about trust and having confidence in God! We started by playing a game on our service this morning so if you missed out why not play it again now! Here are a few things, can you put your trust in them?
A bucket with a hole in it (N)
Food with mould growing on it (N)
A stranger (N)
Swimming armbands - fully blown up (Y)
A pen without ink (N)
Wellies with a hole in (N)
God (Y)
We can trust God completely and so he deserves my praise.
We looked today at Hebrews 11 which talks about several people in the bible that put their trust in God. They had faith and trusted God and as we said before by listening to these stories they should help us know we can trust God and put our faith in him too.
It speaks of many characters from the bible, some you might recognise, and how they trusted God.
We can trust God because he tells the TRUTH. When God says he will do something like give Abraham a family because they are really old. He will do it. Abraham had to wait 12 years but God was telling the truth it just took longer than Abraham thought. Abraham had to be patient and trust God would do what he said he would.
We can trust God because he is RELIABLE. God didn’t let his people down. He helped them escape the Egyptians by walking through the red sea! We can depend on God to do what he promises to do. And because we’ve seen him do it before with all the stories we know from the bible we should trust that God can do it again for us. God won’t let us down. He never will.
We can trust God because he is CARING. Rahab wasn’t part of the family of God to start with but she trusted God and so he cared for her and she became part of the people of God! God will look after us too. He loves us so much. Remember we’ve recently been talking about Easter when Jesus died for us in order for us to be friends with God again! That’s how much he loves us!!
Remember our bible verse today tells us
“Jeremiah 17v7 : Blessed is the one who trusts in the Lord, whose confidence is in him.”
We are blessed when we trust in God. We can have confidence in him for he will tell us the truth, he’s reliable and will never let us down and he cares about us and loves us more than anything!
You can trust God with everything. He won’t ever let you down.
SPARKS (Preschool)
Did you know any of the names that were said earlier? What about Noah? Do you remember him?
Let’s quickly recap the story:
Noah trusted God and he listened to what God said.
Can you point to your ears?
Noah was told by God to build a huge boat to keep his family and lots of different animals safe.
Can you pretend to build a boat?
When the boat was finished God sent the animals 2 by 2 to enter the ark.
How many different animal noises can you make?
Then the ark doors were closed and it began to rain!
Can you make the noises of a big storm?
They were in the boat for a long day but then one day the storm stopped so Noah sent a dove out to see if it could find land. One day it did!!!
How do you think Noah felt? Can you pull a SUPER HAPPY face?
The water began to go down and one day they were able to leave the boat and Noah saw a rainbow which was to tell him that God would never flood the earth again.
Have you ever seen a rainbow? Can you name some colours that you see in the rainbow?
Now spend some time thanking God that you can trust him just like Noah did.
We too get to see rainbows that remind us all about God’s promises.
You can end by saying this prayer together:
“Dear God,
Thank you for the story of Noah and that he trusted
in you.
Thank you that you keep your promises and help us to remember this every time we see a rainbow!
Help us to be like Noah and trust you like he did.
You’ve probably heard this some of those names before! You probably know some of their stories!
But first play a game and see if you can be trusted or if you can trust someone else in your family.
One of you needs to be blindfolded and the other needs to guide them round the house.
You could make it harder and try making an assault course.
Did you trust the one who guided you? Did the person you guide trust you?
In our passage today we saw how Abraham and Sarah both trusted God throughout all their lives.
God made promises to them and they trusted that these were the truth.
First God promised them a new place to live called Canaan. So they left their home and travelled, living in tents to go to the new land promised to them.
Then they were promised a baby. But this promise felt impossible because Abraham and Sarah were very very VERY old.
Let’s first think about those who make promises!
What kind of person makes a promise?
How do you know if someone will keep a promise?
Can you ever tell if someone will break a promise or may be bad a keeping promises?
There are lots of God’s promises in the bible. He promises to never let us down, to forgive us and to be with us.
We see how he keeps his promises to all those in the bible and the amazing stories we know.
Take a look at Genesis 17:1-8 and see if you can answer any of the questions below.
What promise did God make to Abraham?
How old was Abraham when God made him the promise?
What did God want Abraham to do in return?
How did God's promise to Abraham come true?
God can always be trusted and it’s amazing that we see God keeps his promises not only to Abraham but to all of us.
Hopefully you’ve heard some of those names before!
Do you think you could act out or retell any of those stories?
Which of those stories do you know the least? What about Rehab? Do you know her story well?
Her story happens as part of the story of when the city of Jericho falls.
Joshua sends in spies before they begin and Rehab keeps them safe by hiding them.
She recognises their God as the one true God even though she never knew him before.
She trusts in him.
Use a Bible to read Joshua 2 to complete the blanks and then find these words.
Rahab was looked down on by the people of the town because she was a ……… (verse 1)
Rahab invited the two ……… into her house (verse 1)
The city where Rahab lived ……… (verse 2)
Where had the spies come to spy? The whole ……… (verse 3)
At what time of the day did Rahab say that the spies left? ……… (verse 5)
Rahab hid the spies under stalks of ……… (verse 6)
Rahab hid the spies, because she knew that the ……… Had given this land to you ……… (verse 9)
Rahab asked the spies to save her from ……… (verse 13)
Rahab helped the spies to escape by letting them out the window using a ……… (verse 15)
Rahab tied a ……… Cord in the window as a sign for the spies. (verse 18)
The story is one where Rehab trusts God completely.
Now that you’ve refreshed your memory with the story, have a little think about the following questions:
Do you think Rahab an important person?
Do you think Rahab was brave?
Do you think Rahab acted because she believed in God?
Do you think Rahab was scared by the Israelite army and the fact Jericho was in trouble?
Do you think God can use anyone whatever their background as part of his plan?
God can use anyone. God trusts us to be part of his story but the question is do you trust him?
Spend some time talking to God ask him to use you. God wants to use us we just have to be willing to be used by him. Often this will be ways to show his love and kindness to others. Ask God how he wants to use you.
For those who LOVE colouring and activity sheets check these out:
Make a poster all about TRUST!
Use some of the characters we’ve mentioned today and any others along with other reasons as to why God can be trusted. You might also want to include the 3 words mentioned earlier TRUTH, RELIABLE and CARING.Make a rainbow to remind you about Gods promises!
Make THIS anchor craft. Anchors keep boats steady and firm an we can remind ourselves that God does this for us.
Here’s an amazing song all about trusting in God.
Listen to the lyrics and see if there is any part that stands out or speaks to you.
Created by Amy Farrar using several different sources