The perfect breakfast
Today we meet Peter again but this time he tells us how Jesus appeared to
him and his friends and forgave him!
The service starts at 9:30am on
But this button will go live about 11am on Sunday 11th April for you to watch the service again if you missed it live! You won’t want to miss out!
Hope you enjoyed our Werb’s Kids Service this morning!!
We love how everyone is getting involved so don’t miss out! Just email Amy ( so that we can keep making it better and better and involving more and more people!
Today we’re talking about Peter being reinstated!
We’re looking at one of the resurrection appearances!
We know that JESUS IS ALIVE! We found that out last week that he died on the cross to save us and help us become friends with God again BUT then he rose from the dead in order that we may have eternal life!
So in our story today we meet Peter again!
Peter showed us that in order to properly understand todays story we needed to look back at Good Friday and what that happened to Peter. More importantly what Peter said!
DO you remember what Peter said on Good Friday?
Peter let Jesus down 3 times. Peter was in the courtyard whilst Jesus was at the house of the High Priest after he’d been arrested. There Peter was asked 3 times by 3 different people if he knew Jesus and what did Peter say?
He let Jesus down big time by lying to those around him and saying he didn’t know Jesus when he was meant to be one of his closest friends.
But if you saw last week I came to the Easter Service at church you would have seen Peter and Mary Magdalene being interviewed by the tomb. They told everyone how Jesus was alive.
Peter had seen the empty tomb but Mary had actually seen Jesus!
In the story we’re about to look at we hear how Peter got to see Jesus with his own eyes too!!
First Peter and his friends decide to go fishing but they catch absolutely NOTHING!
Not a single fish is in their net and so they were probably a little disappointed.
But then Jesus appears on the shore although none of them in that moment realise it’s him.
He tells them to throw the net on the other side of the boat. And when the disciples do as he says they catch LOADS of fish!
153 in total!!
Because of this incredible miracle, one of the disciples realises that it’s Jesus on the shore. Peter is soooooooooooooooo excited that he jumps in the water and swims to him as he’s just so excited to get to Jesus!
The disciples bring the fish to shore and they have an amazing breakfast together.
Later Jesus has a special conversation with Peter. Do you remember what Jesus says?
Here’s the passage below if you need to remind yourself:
“When they had finished eating,
Jesus said to Simon Peter, ‘Simon son of John, do you love me more than these?’
‘Yes, Lord,’ he said, ‘you know that I love you.’
Jesus said, ‘Feed my lambs.’
Again Jesus said, ‘Simon son of John, do you love me?’
He answered, ‘Yes, Lord, you know that I love you.’
Jesus said, ‘Take care of my sheep.’
The third time he said to him,
‘Simon son of John, do you love me?’
Peter was hurt because Jesus asked him the third time, ‘Do you love me?’ He said, ‘Lord, you know all things; you know that I love you.’
Jesus said, ‘Feed my sheep.’”
Remember on Good Friday Peter denied Jesus 3 times before the rooster crowed but when they were on the beach having breakfast Jesus asked Peter if he loved him 3 times!
Jesus forgave Peter for each time he’d let him down and then he told Peter to feed his lambs and sheep. He said this to explain that Peter would help start the church and help his people learn about him and follow him. How cool is that!
God doesn’t want us to do bad things but because of what Jesus did on the cross at Easter it means when we do mess up and do the wrong thing we can be forgiven!
Jesus forgave Peter for his rather enormous mistake of pretending he didn’t know him, he didn’t hold Peter’s mistakes against him. Instead, he forgave him and then put him in place as leader of the church!
Peter gets reinstated.
Now the word reinstated means to be restored or to be put back in a position that you lost.
Peter denied Jesus so lost his place as his friend but Jesus completely forgives him and gets to come back and not just that gets given an even better position than before! He helps start the church!
SPARKS (Preschool)
Did you enjoy seeing Peter again today?
Can you count again how many times Peter let Jesus down?
1 - 2 - 3!
Now count the number of times Peter was forgiven by Jesus and told him he loved him.
1 - 2 - 3!
It’s amazing that Jesus forgives Peter after he lets him down.
Draw 2 pictures.
Can you draw what you think Peter looked like when he let Jesus down?
I think he would have been super sad and very sorry for what he did. In the Good Friday story we hear how Peter cries because he’s so sad about what he’s done.
Now draw a picture of Jesus and Peter. How do you think Peter felt when he was with Jesus?
I think he would have been super happy to be with his friend again and even happier to be forgiven and allowed to be his friend again!!!
Have a little think now if you need to say sorry to God. On another piece of paper draw a sad face. Maybe you haven’t been kind or caring and you need to say sorry.
Then rub out the mouth and make it a happy face. If you’ve said sorry then God forgives you! Which is definitely a reason to smile!
You can end by saying this prayer together:
“Dear God,
Thank you for todays story about Peter.
We are sorry when we do bad things and get things wrong.
Thank you for Jesus. Thank you that he took away all the bad things we do and helps us be friends with you again.
Help me be better this week and learn from my mistakes and the bad things I’ve done.
Hopefully you’ve probably heard this story before!
Did you know that Jesus forgave Peter 3 times?
It’s pretty amazing isn’t it!
Jesus shows Peter grace.
Sometimes when we forgive someone for something they have done, we treat them in a way that shows that we remember their mistakes or the things they did wrong.
For example you might say, “Evie can’t play. She always drops the ball,” or, “Last year Adam was silly at my party so I won’t invite him this year.” This is not showing grace.
Grace is showing someone love and kindness even if they don’t really deserve it or shouldn’t get it.
We should treat people with grace, the way God treats us.
Can you think of ideas about how you could show grace to people?
In which parts of the story did God show grace to Peter? (By forgiving him and letting him be leader of the church)
When did the other disciples show grace to Peter?
(By allowing him to be the leader even though he’s made mistakes.)
Do you remember why Jesus gave Simon the nick name “Peter”?
It means stone or rock. Even after Peter let Jesus down he still kept that name; God treated Peter with grace and didn’t give up on him.
God will also never give up on you even if you get things wrong.
And God wants to use us too to show grace to other people.
Remember grace is showing someone love and kindness even if they don’t really deserve it or shouldn’t get it.
Showing grace to those who don’t deserve it can be really really hard. But God wants us to show others his love and kindness so that they might know him.
Learn this little prayer so that you can say it and ask God for help when you’re finding it hard to show someone grace.
“Dear God,
Thank you that you love me and always forgive me when I get things wrong.
Help me to love others like how you love me.
I’m finding it hard right now to be kind so please help me be better.
In Jesus name I pray,
Hopefully you’ve heard this story before and you know what happened.
Have you ever let someone down?
Has one of your closest friends ever let you down?
We know that Peter and Jesus were best mates. Peter had travelled around with Jesus for three years watching Him heal lots of people, listening to His stories and even putting into practice Jesus’ teaching e.g. seeing people healed when he prayed for them.
Peter was 100% committed to Jesus or so he thought.
For a second, think of some things that you would say you are completely committed to.
E.g. football team, a hobby, family etc.
How might that commitment be tested e.g. would you use all your money for that cause? Would you be prepared to die for it?
Peter was willing to fight for Jesus and he even said that he would die for Him. However when he said that, Jesus warned him that when the moment came, Peter would lose courage and instead of standing up for Jesus he would actually say that he didn’t know Jesus, never heard of him like we heard on Good Friday.
What’s worse is that he didn’t just say it once, but three times. Is that the way to show 100% commitment to a best friend?
We know that Peter was really upset when he realised what he had done and must have felt there was no chance of ever putting things right with Jesus.
Yet a few days later Peter and Jesus had an amazing encounter. Peter had already seen Jesus, alive again after His death on the cross, but had not had the opportunity to put things right with Him. But then he and Jesus meet on the beach.
And what is amazing is that Jesus forgave Peter 3 times! He then said ‘feed my sheep’ showing Peter that he was trusting him to look after His followers.
Jesus forgave Peter for letting Him down and acknowledged that Peter really was His friend, that Peter was totally committed to Him and that He could trust Peter 100% to look after and lead His other followers.
How do you think Peter felt after this? After being forgiven? After knowing he would start the church? What impact must it have made on Him?
Think for a moment now how committed you are to Jesus. Do you depend on him? Do you trust him?
Do you love him?
Write a letter to God
Tell God how you feel and everything you’d like to ask him or say to him.
If you don’t like writing why not draw the things you want to tell God instead?
Peter didn’t know when he let Jesus down that he would have the chance to talk to Jesus again.
What is amazing is that you always ALWAYS have the chance to talk to God and tell him how you feel.
For those who LOVE colouring and activity sheets check these out:
Activity Sheet WORDSEARCH and MAZE
Make your favourite breakfast or meal!
Grab a paper plate or cut some paper or card into a plate shape.
Then draw, colour in or paint this meal! You even get creative and make it look 3D by using other materials to make it look like real food on the plate. Like using bubble wrap and painting them red so they look a like baked beans!Grab some play dough or salt dough and make part of the story. Here are a few suggestions of what you make:
Peter in the boat with his friends
The boat with all the fish
Peter with Jesus by the fire
Painting Stones
Do you remember why Jesus gave Simon the nick name “Peter”? Because it meas stone or rock and he promised to use Peter as the founding stone to build the church on. Even after Peter let Jesus down he still kept that name; God treated Peter with grace and didn’t give up on him.
You’ll need a stone or a few pebbles and some paint or felt tip pens.
You could paint or write the words “God’s grace” to remind you of the grace that God has for us – or make a pretty pattern instead.These stones can remind us that God doesn’t give up on us – he always treats us with grace.
This song is all about forgiveness, all about God’s good grace. Listen to the song and thank God for always loving you and always showing you grace.
Come together
Strange as neighbors
Our blood is one
Of generations
Of every nation
Of kingdom come
Don’t let your heart be troubled
Hold your head up high
Don’t fear no evil
Fix your eyes on this one truth
God is madly in love with you
Take courage
Hold on
Be strong
Remember where our help comes from”
Our redemption
Our salvation
Is in His blood
Light of heaven
Friend forever
His kingdom come
Swing wide
All you heavens
Let the praise go up
As the walls come down
All creation
Everything with breath
Repeat the sound
All His children
Clean hands
Pure hearts
Good grace
Good God
His Name is Jesus”
Created by Amy Farrar using several different sources including