Hi Werb’s Kids and Werb’s Parents!
How has your week been?
Hope you have a great week off from school.
There are some exciting things planned for this week so be sure to check your emails! One of the very exciting things is
our LIGHT DANCE PARTY on Saturday 31st October!
There will be a session to access with all the information of the items and stuff you need to get involved along with how you join in. We can all watch and join in together by accessing the Light Dance Party at 4:30pm on Saturday 31st October on our online platform
Really hope you’ll be able to join us!
But let’s get back to today, hope you were able to join us this morning for church! The service is now on YouTube if you want to catch up.
HERE is the link for the STWDerby YouTube channel where we upload all our videos if you ever miss any weeks you can always watch again here!
If you would like to HERE is the link to our services page where you can find all the details and book your places. Places do book up fast so we’re opening up bookings each Monday so that everyone has a fair chance to sign up so be sure to check it out!
I really hope to see you soon so stay safe and stay connected!
Amy x
As you’ve probably guessed this week we’re thinking about COMPASSION.
We have looked at this word before but do you remember what it means?
Are you able to describe it or explain what it means?
Compassion is like caring. To have compassion is to be concerned and understand how someone is feeling. But I think it’s more than compassion is linked to action. It’s choosing to help others because you understand how they are feeling and can make a difference to them.
Jesus had lots of compassion. He cared about all the people he met so much so that he often healed them or set them free of their sin and the wrong things they did.
We played this game this morning and you can now try and play it too!
How many emotions can you show by pulling faces or using your body to show the emotion or feeling? As we saw this morning you can also do this with situations too.
So here are some feelings and situations for you to try and do. Be sure that you have someone to guess too!
Has lost something
Thinks everything is hilarious
Too hot
Are there any other emotions or feelings or situations that you can think of and then act out?
Hopefully this morning you saw Amy’s video this morning all about bread and compassions!
If you missed it, you can watch it again on YouTube or here is simple version of the story you can watch to recap and remind yourself of what happens in the story.
If you don’t need to watch it again why not remind yourself of the story by drawing your favourite part of it or acting the story out?
I love how Jesus takes compassion on the crowds and he gives them what they need.
How much Jesus cares and loves others creates the opportunity for a miracle. By Jesus showing compassion lives are changed.
This week, by showing kindness and showing how you care, you could create an amazing opportunity for something amazing to happen.
You can be more like Jesus by showing compassion caring for others this week.
If you see someone who’s hungry, show compassion and help them get food.
If you see someone sad, show compassion and be their friend.
If you see someone struggling, show compassion and give them help.
If you see someone lost or worried, show compassion and give them hope.
This week be compassionate for others and think about how they feel. Then ask God for an opportunity to help them and show them God’s love.
In the video this week we prayed a prayer, which you may want to print out and keep with you so that you can pray it again during the week.
“Dear Father God.
We want to thank you that you love us more than we will ever know.
Help us to show this love to other people this week.
Give us picture and thoughts in our minds of how we can be compassionate this week.
Give us chances to be compassionate and think about how others are feeling. Help us to then respond to this by helping them.
Give us opportunities to do good in the name of your son, Jesus.
If you want to go a little deeper and talk more about compassion here is a great passage.
God is a compassionate God, cares about His world that He made, and wants to use us to show His compassion for those around us.
Look up Psalm 145:8-9.
In this psalm the writer is trying to tell people what God is like.
Read verse 8. Are you able to describe this verse in your own words and what it means?
God is gracious and compassionate – slow to anger and rich in love.
We all do things wrong and we don’t always get things right but what’s amazing is that God does not treat us as we deserve, God loves us even if we make mistakes.
God shows compassion on us.
Now look at verse 9. This verse says that God has compassion on all that He has made. Have a think. How do you think God feels when He looks at our world?
You might want to look at some newspapers or look online at the BBC news.
PARNETS: be careful what you read here you may which to vet first what your child looks at.
As you look at the news and talk about what’s happening in our world think about whether you think these things make God happy or sad.
If God has compassion on all that He has made, what do you think God wants to do for those situations which make Him sad.
How can God show His compassion? Maybe it is through us?
As mentioned before are DESPERATE to see what you’ve made. We would love to see your crafts and pictures and show them off at our next services online and in person! Please send a picture of ANYTHING you make from this week and Amy will include it in next week’s video!
Some things to do during the talk:
Create a poster all about Compassion. You could use the passage from Psalm 145:8-9 to help.
Create a bookmark to keep reminding you to be compassionate.
You’ll need a small piece of card. On one side decorate it and write words like love, kindness, caring, feelings or write out these memory verses ‘The Lord is gracious and compassionate, slow to anger and rich in love. The Lord is good to all; he has compassion on all he has made.’
Then on the other side of your bookmark make a list of ways you can be compassionate or how you can you can be caring and kind to others.
Get creative!
Make a Kindness Calendar
HERE is a great example which you could follow which was for last December.
Create your own with wonderful acts that you can do to bring kindness to others. If you are struggling to think of any acts of kindness HERE is a helpful website with some ideas. You can do it for a whole month or for just a week, however long you would like to do acts of kindness for!Make Paper Aeroplanes
Use THIS page to create a paper aeroplane which can help you spread God’s love.
If you’re already an expert at making paper aeroplanes you don’t have to use this template instead make an aeroplane and decorate it with things about God and his love for us. You could also make one fill of hope or one with encouraging words on it.
We sung this song this morning at church. It’s a great song that talks about compassion.
As you listen to it why not pray the prayer we used before once again. Remind yourself that as the song says “everyone needs compassion” and ask God for ways you can show his compassion, kindness and love.
Edited and adapted by Amy Farrar from several sources including