Hi Werb’s Kids and Werb’s Parents!
We should be celebrating as this date is often known as the Church’s birthday.
Now this isn’t to be confused with Werb’s birthday which we celebrate in September. St.Werburgh’s birthday is the date that our church reopened and we celebrate that our church was filled with life once more.
But PENTECOST was when the worldwide church began because that was when the Holy Spirit first came!
So that’s why I’ve chosen a lovely photo of Werbs because it is the birthday of the church across the world!
Without Pentecost there probably would be no Werbs!
I really wish we could all be there together today but that can’t happen so I hope you’re celebrating at home instead.
Stay safe and stay connected!
Love Amy
If you need a recap of the story of Pentecost and when the Holy Spirit came down for the first time watch the video below!
This is incredible! What do you think about the story of Pentecost? What is your favourite part?
If you watched our Sunday Morning video you would have seen Peter once again! But this time he was talking with some Super Heroes!
We found out that Peter had special power in him too…
He was filled with the Holy Spirit on the first day of Pentecost and this gave him incredible confidence!
Think back to Good Friday - do you remember what happened to Peter?
Draw a picture of what happened.
REMEMBER after Jesus got arrested, he told those around him that he didn’t even know Jesus!
Think back to ‘A Beautiful Breakfast’ - When Jesus spoke to Peter after the amazing catch of fish!
Draw a picture of what happened.
REMEMBER how Jesus completely forgives Peter for telling everyone he didn’t know him and Jesus tell Peter to feed his sheep meaning to look after his followers.
Now think back to ‘Get Out The Boat’ - do you remember what happened to Peter when Jesus walked on water?
Draw a picture of what happened.
REMEMBER the title of that session! Peter walks on the water too!!
Today we see what happens when the Holy Spirit comes.
Draw a picture of what happened.
REMEMBER the Holy Spirit came like a rushing wind and what looked like fire appeared on their heads!
Peter went from being worried about telling people about Jesus to starting the church and telling EVERYONE! After the Holy Spirit came Peter went out and talked to the crowd and this is how the church first began!
The Holy Spirit is amazing. Why not spend some time now asking God to fill you with the Holy Spirit?
You will probably want to do these first set of crafts on Sunday morning when all the parents are listening to the main talk in the service.
FIND NEW CRAFTS - Illustrated ministries??
Draw or make some Holy Spirit fire like you heard about in the story
Here are some more crafts you could do later as a family!
Make awesome gyrocopters! (They are like mini helicopters!!)
HERE is the website to use so you can make them.
Basically you’ll need: Paper, Pencils, Scissors, Paperclips AND you’ll need to use THIS document so you write ‘Praise the Lord’ in another language!Paint blowing pictures.
God’s Holy Spirit is like his breath so use your breath to make beautiful fiery pictures to remind you of the story.
You’ll need a piece of paper, a straw and some red, yellow and orange paint.Splodge a little bit of paint of each colour in the middle of your paper. Now using you straw blow through your straw so that the paint begins to move across the paper. After a while it will begin to look like fire!
Those in our story today had what looks like fire over their heads when the Holy Spirit came on them.Paper windmill
HERE are some instructions to help you.
You’ll need a square piece of paper or card, pencils to decorate it, a pin and a spare pencil to create the handle of the windmill once you’re finished.Make a cake or some cupcakes after all it is the birthday of the Church!
Content created by Amy Farrar from several sources including Illustrated Ministry