I Spy Half Term...
Welcome SECRET Agents!
Your mission should you choose to accept it is to find out as much information as you can about
We know he was in the bible and we know he is important but now it’s up to you to find out more!
From Monday 25th to Friday 29th May each weekday Amy also known as Agent AJ will share a story about David as well as reveal clues she’s found that will tell us who David was and what he did.
Each weekday during half term Agent AJ will go live at 10am on the @werbskids instagram.
Then by 11am all the content for that day will go up here on this session - just scroll down to the relevant day! This will also include a link to a special interview from David himself!
Are you ready to take on the challenge?
Watch the our trailer to see what you’re letting yourself in for!
Your work as a spy actually begins before we even meet together!
FIRST you need to get your spy outfit ready! What do all great spies wear?
I can think of 2 things you’ll definitely need BLACK SUNGLASSES - to keep your identity hidden and A BELT - for all your cool spy gadgets and tools.
Next you need to start gathering some background information like all great detectives and police officers do when they are on a case!
All spies are required to create this WANTED poster of what you think David looked like and add it to you files on David!
For our younger spies (those under 7) you may want to get started on these colouring pages. Can you work out who David was from these pictures?
No.1 and No.2
For our older spies you need to get started on this FACT FILE on David.
You’ll also need to complete this: David’s TIMELINE. Can link up these sentences below with their correct symbol and place on the timeline?
You might want to use this Prezi Presentation to help!
1. David plays the harp for Saul to help him feel better.
2. David LOVED God - He is called a man after God’s heart. This is amazing because he messes up loads in his life.
3. David becomes best friends with Jonathan, King Saul’s Son.
4. David was a Shepherd, he looked after sheep. During this time he gets anointed by Samuel as the future King of the land.
5. David gets married to his first wife, Michal.
6.After a long long time David finally becomes King.
7. David gets married again to Abigail and Ahinoam.
8. David is scared and runs away from King Saul.
9. David takes on Goliath…AND WINS!
10. David is born into the family of Judah. He had 7 brothers and his dad was called Jesse.
You seem to be the perfect spy! Excellent job!
Looking forward to having you on the team.
Agent AJ
So great to have you join us, hopefully you managed to join Agent AJ this morning on instagram live. If not don’t worry we have saved it PLUS you can always join tomorrow at 10am (@werbskids)!
Today we heard about how David was anointed by Samuel to be the next KING!If you missed it check out or just want a recap take a look at THIS video of the story. Or you could read the same story Agent AJ read which is in the Jesus Storybook Bible on page 116-121. One thing we learnt today is that David LOVED to worship so... don’t forget you can too using the playlists we have on Spotify (Adults and Kids) and the same on YouTube (Adults and Kids)!
We managed to get our hands on David himself and to question him about this event! Listen carefully as you will need to answer the questions below. You may want to make yourself a special SPY notebook to keep these answers in. Answers to these questions will be revealed tomorrow in our LIVE on insta!
Use your detective skills to answer these questions:
1. What instrument did David play? Can you draw a picture of it?
2. What is the name of the person who anointed David?
3. Why did God choose David rather than one his brothers?
Be sure to also make your own SPY ID BADGE! Make sure it has your spy name, a picture or drawing of you and your special agent talents!
HERE is a link should you need some help.
Along with these questions the evidence to add to our file on David is:
The Memory Verse Colouring Sheet created by Agent Aredee!
Plus all spies have a choice of which of these they’d like to do:
1. We found out today David was anointed, this means Samuel put special oil on his head to make it clear to everyone that David would be the next king. Make David’s crown. What do you think it looked like?
2. David was chosen because he had such a good kind heart and so that would make him the best King. Make an origami heart! It’s not too hard, you just need a square piece of paper! Watch THIS video for the instructions
3. The best spies take great photos or images of the events taking place.
Can you draw a part of the story to go in your evidence folder?
David was chosen to be the next King because of how good his heart was.
BUT DID YOU KNOW...You are chosen by God too and so we should be the best we can be but for him.
God has chosen you! He wants to be your friend and he wants to walk through life with you. Do you wanna be his friend? Listen to this song “Who you say I am” and think about the amazing lyrics especially in the bridge!
Forsaken means to be left completely alone and abandoned. God promises never to do this! You instead have been chosen to be a part of his special family!
Hopefully you managed to join Agent AJ again this morning on instagram live. Remember each weekday she will go live at 10am but we have also saved it so you can watch it again now on @werbskids
Today we heard about how David faced Goliath! And how he won! If you missed it or just want a recap take a look at THIS video of the story.
Or you could read the same story Agent AJ read which is in the Jesus Storybook Bible on Pg 122-129.
Agent AJ managed to get an exclusive interview with David himself about the event! Listen carefully as you will need to answer the questions below, don’t forget to jot them down in your SPY NOTEBOOK! Answers to these questions will be revealed tomorrow in our LIVE on insta!
Use your detective skills to answer these questions:
1. Why did David want to fight Goliath?
2. What kinds of animals did David said he had fought before?
3. How many stones did David pick up?
Along with these questions the evidence to add to our file on David is:
The Memory Verse Colouring Sheet created by Agent Aredee!
Plus all spies have a choice of which of these they’d like to do:
1. Make a Goliath head using a milk bottle or something similar. HERE are some instructions! As well as your empty milk or squash bottle you will need some pens or pencils, paper and tape!
2. Make some Goliath bowling pins! You could use almost ANYTHING for this, you just need a ball and make something that looks like Goliath to knock down! Why not get creative and see what you can make!
3. The best spies take great photos or images of the events taking place. Can you draw a part of the story to go in your evidence folder?
All the best spies write amazing secret messages so you now have a chance to do the same!!
You will need some paper, lemon juice, a paintbrush, stick or earbud and a heat source like a hair dryer. Simply dip your paintbrush into your lemon juice and write your message on the paper. Be careful not to get the paper too wet. You shouldn’t be able to see it especially once you’ve let it dry! Then to reveal your hidden message simply apply heat. Either leave it in the sun or blow a hair dryer on it and your message will appear!!!!
David knew God was with him always and this meant he was not only able to face the giant Goliath but also defeat him and win!
BUT DID YOU KNOW...God is always on your side too!
He is always with you so whatever giants or scary things you face God is with you. Listen to this song King Of Me! It talks about how God is the king, how he fights for us and is with us always just like how he was with David. Agent AJ shared this song with us this morning. But I wonder…how good is your memory?
See if you can remember the actions!!
Did you join Agent AJ again this morning on instagram live?
Each weekday she’s live at 10am but we have also saved it so you can watch it again now! (@werbskids)
Today we heard about how David played his harp for Saul and we heard about his amazing friend Jonathan! If you missed it check out or just want a recap take a look at THIS video of the story.
Or you could read the same story Agent AJ read which is Pg 200-207 in the Lion’s First Bible.
David sent us his own secret message today!!
Listen carefully as you will need to answer the questions below, don’t forget to jot them down in your SPY NOTEBOOK! Answers to these questions will be revealed tomorrow in our LIVE on insta!
Use your detective skills to answer these questions:
1. Why did David play the harp for Saul?
2. Why did Saul want to hurt David?
3. Who was David’s best friend?
BONUS QUESTION: How is David’s best friend related/connected to the king?
Along with these questions the evidence to add to our file on David is:
The Memory Verse Colouring Sheet created by Agent Aredee!
Plus all spies have a choice of which of these they’d like to do:
1. Make some bracelets. Either make a knot in your bracelet or if you have some, add beads and use these to remind you to pray for your friends.
2. Make a card and send it to a friend to encourage them, make them smile and let them know that you are thinking of them!
3. The best spies take great photos or images of the events taking place. Can you draw a part of the story to go in your evidence folder?
David ended up having to run and hide from King Saul, similarly spies are amazing at not being seen. Play hide and seek now and see who is the best secret agent at staying hidden.
David had amazing friends around him. Those who really cared and looked after him.
BUT DID YOU KNOW...God wants you to be his friend forever!
He also wants you to have other amazing friends of your own. As well as missing your school friends, you also probably miss some of your church friends too. We often call church our family because of how much we love and care for one another. Listen to this song and whilst you do thank God for his friendship to us. Below I’ve written out the lyrics so you can sing along!
“Who am I that You are mindful of me
That You hear me when I call
Is it true that You are thinking of me
How You love me it’s amazing
I am a friend of God
I am a friend of God
I am a friend of God
He calls me friend”
Agent AJ was live again this morning on instagram but if you didn’t manage to join her we have also saved it so you can watch it anytime!! You won’t want to miss out. (@werbskids)
Today we heard about how David was a songwriter and wrote many psalms, prayers and songs to God! If you missed it check out or just want a recap take a look at THIS video of the story. Or you could read the same story Agent AJ read which is Pg 130-135 Jesus Storybook Bible.
Agent AJ managed to get another exclusive interview with David! Listen carefully as you will need to answer the questions below, don’t forget to jot them down in your SPY NOTEBOOK! Answers to these questions will be revealed tomorrow on insta live!
Use your detective skills to answer these questions:
1. What did David write songs about?
2. What is the name of the book in the bible full of David’s Songs?
3. What does David call God in Psalm 23?
Along with these questions the evidence to add to our file on David is:
The Memory Verse Colouring Sheet created by Agent Aredee!
Plus all spies have a choice of which of these they’d like to do:
1. Make an instrument using whatever you can find!
You could make a shaker with a plastic pot filled with uncooked rice and lentils or you could make a guitar using string and elastic bands. Get creative and I’d love to know what you come up with!
2. Write your on psalm, prayer, poem or song to God!
HERE is a page to help you!
3. The best spies take great photos or images of the events taking place. Can you draw a part of the story to go in your evidence folder?
Spies are amazing at getting around without being spotted! Think about how they make it through rooms with lasers! Create your own lasers using string or ribbon and see how well you can cross a room or your hallway without touching the lasers!
David loved God so much he wrote songs about him. He couldn’t contain his love for God and wanted everyone to know how good his God was!
BUT DID YOU KNOW...God loves it when we worship!
When we worship we spend time with God and he loves that! We can write our own songs to God too as well as sing out our favourites. So why not sing to him now? If you don’t want to make up your own song put on the playlists we have on Spotify (Adults and Kids) and the same on YouTube (Adults and Kids) and dance around and enjoy worshipping God today!
Agent AJ was live for the last time on instagram. Hope you were able to join her! All of it is saved on our insta (@werbskids) so you can always watch again!
We’ve been looking at David and I hope you managed to gather loads of evidence of who he was. But we have only just scratched the surface. You’ll know if you managed to complete David’s timeline at the beginning that there is still so much more to his life! If you haven’t done this why not go back and check it out!
Can you remember any other stories about David?
Act them out now and see what you can remember!
We’ve only just scratched the surface on what we’ve found out about David! He did more things still. Below are some more videos you can watch to learn even more about David!
THIS video is about when David married Saul’s daughter.
THIS video is about when David was the King
THIS video gives you an overview of his life!
Use these activities to also find out more:
This WORD SEARCH gives you a clue that David designed a house for
God to live in.
This CRACK THE CODE gives you clues to things you can find out about David’s life. HERE are the answers to check yours with once you’ve cracked the code!
Along with these activities the evidence to add to our file on David is:
The Memory Verse Colouring Sheet created by Agent Aredee!
Spies are great at writing secret messages and hiding information they find. Make your own SCRATCH CARDS like those that Agent AJ used this morning!!
You will need some paper, pens or pencils, clear cellotape, some acrylic or poster paint and a penny.
First draw or write your secret message on your piece of paper! Next cover your message with tape. Make sure not to leave any gaps. Once your paper is covered in tape then it is time to paint! Paint the taped area to cover up your message. You may need to do 2 coats so that you completely cover up the message! Now let it dry. Once dried you have created your secret scratch card! To reveal the message use a penny to scratch off the paint and reveal the message.
Remember: David messed up in his life many many times and yet he is still known as the man who loved God lots and who God used.
No matter what you do in life, no matter how many times you might go wrong, God is always with you and wants to do life with you!
Our memory verse for today is all about how God wants to give us life to the fullest. Because life with God is the best! It doesn’t mean life is easy and we will still all go through sad and hard times but we can live the best we can with our God who promises to be with us always and forever through everything that comes our way. So let’s all live our best lives with God!
The song below talks all about how living with God is AWESOME! As the lyrics say ‘there’s nothing like living with you, this life you’ve created I choose!’ We sing this song together at church so let’s dance to it now just like we did this morning!!