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What does Home mean to you? | Preach Mania
Four congregants talk about what home means to them?
Finding Home | David Bracewell
David continues our Christmas series in his talk ‘ Finding Home’.
The Nativity | Jenny Newman
Jenny continues our Christmas series on ‘Coming Home’ and ties it in with the Nativity.
Coming Home for Christmas | Phil Mann
Phil begins the theme for Christmas at Werbs which is ‘Coming Home’ and speaks on the prodigal son… or has he put it, ‘The story of the ridicules Father’.
Living In The Kingdom | Jenny Newman
Jenny concludes our series on the ‘Kingdom People’ and talks about what living in the ‘Kingdom’ would look like with righteousness, peace and joy in the Holy Spirit at the centre of it.
People of God, ME TO WE | Andy Bond
Andy continues our series on 'The Kingdom of God' and talks of how we need to change our perspective and wear bigger glasses.
Signs and Wonders | Gavin Murray
Gavin continues our series on The Kingdom of God reflecting on signs and wonders and the power of healing.
The Kingdom of God is like..... | David Bracewell
David continues our series on ‘Kingdom People’, where he talks about what the Kingdom of God is like.
King of the Kingdom | Jenny Newman
Jenny continues our new series ‘Kingdom People’ reflecting on the King of the Kingdom
The Kingdom of God Has Come Near | Phil Mann
Phil kicks off a new series ‘Kingdom People’ and begins by thinking about the Kingdom of God has come Near and what it means for us.
STEP OUT SEPTEMBER: Prayer | Anna Mann
It’s the launch of Step Out September and Anna challenges us with ways we can step out in Prayer.
The Resurrection of The Body and The Life Everlasting | Phil Mann
Phil concludes our series on the Apostle’s Creed reflecting on the Resurrection of the Body and the Life Everlasting.
The Forgiveness of Sins | Jo Whitehead
Jo continues our series on the Apostles Creed looking at the Forgiveness of Sins.
The Holy catholic Church, the Communion of Saints | Andy Bond
Andy continues our series on the Apostle’s Creed, exploring what it means to be a part of the Holy catholic church, the communion of saints.
I Believe in Christ the Son | Jenny Newman
Jenny continues our summer series on the Apostles Creed looking at “I believe in Jesus Christ.”
Jesus is supreme:
Colossians 1 v 15 - 20
PREACHMANIA: I Believe In The Holy Spirit
This Sunday we had another of our Preachmania services where four people share their heart on the passage John 14:15-27.
I Believe in God the Father | Andy Bond
Andy continues our series on the Apostles Creed - Looking at God the Father
Our Core Principles: GATHERS | Anna Mann
Anna concludes our core principles, reflecting on the last of our ‘5Gs’ - Gathers