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Our Core Principles: GRATITUDE | Andy Bond
Andy continues with our core principles series, exploring our next of the ‘5Gs’ - Gratitude
Our Core Principles: GENEROSITY | Phil Mann
Phil continues our core principles looking at Generosity and how we can be generous people.
Our Core Principles: GRACE | Dan Dark
Dan kicks off our series on our five core principles, looking at Grace - 'got grace; give grace.'
CHOICES: Part Four | David Bracewell
David concludes our series on Choices looking at how we can choose to forgive.
CHOICES: Part Three | Phil Mann
Phil continues our series on Choices looking at the story of Joseph and how other peoples’ choice can affect us.
CHOICES: Part Two | Andy Bond
Andy continues our series on Choices looking at the book of Genesis and the story of Joseph.
CHOICES: Part One | Phil Mann
Phil begins our new series on Choices looking at the book of Genesis and the story of Joseph.
Andy speaks about some of the evidence for the resurrection and why it makes a difference.
PREACHMANIA | Philippians: Being Content In All Circumstances (PM)
We had another amazing Preachmania Sunday where eight people concluded our series on Philippians - being content in all circumstances.
In the evening we had:
PREACHMANIA | Philippians: Being Content In All Circumstances (AM)
We had another amazing Preachmania Sunday where eight people concluded our series on Philippians - being content in all circumstances.
In the morning we had:
Philippians: Rejoice | Phil Mann
Phil continues our series on Philippians on this Baptism Sunday looking at what is it that is filling our minds and how we can change our anxious thoughts to rejoicing.
Philippians: Following Paul's Example | Rachel Bond
Rach continues our series on Philippians looking at how we can follow Paul's example in our lives.
Philippians: No Confidence In The Flesh | David Bracewell
David continues our series on Philippians looking at the beginning of chapter 3.
Philippians: Timothy & Epaphroditus | Phil Mann
Phil continues our series on Philippians looking at not doing things on our own.
Philippians: Do Everything Without Grumbling | Anna Mann
Anna continues our series on Philippians looking at doing everything with an attitude of not grumbling or complaining, and how it is that we can do this.
Philippians Part 2: Paul's Chains Advance The Gospel | Phil Mann
Phil continues our series on Philippians looking at how Paul's chains advance the Gospel.
Philippians: An Introduction To Philippians | Andy Bond
Andy begins our new series on Philippians by giving us an introduction to the book.