BELOW are all the KIDS sessions we are running in person for 2022.
Kids’ Groups are now back IN PERSON but we understand that many may still want to remain online.
SO…in order for you not to miss out, here are the sessions that you can do at home along with all the resources you need to make them happen!
We will try our best to get the sessions up as quickly as we can
however this may not always be possible so do bare with us.
3rd April 2022
This is our final week in our RADICAL GENEROSITY series
and we are looking at GRATTUDE. We are celebrating the generosity
we’ve seen and thinking about the importance
of being thankful.
CLICK HERE to access the session.
27th March 2022
The week in our RADICAL GENEROSITY series we are looking at how generosity GROWS. We think about how blessings can grow and become more and more through a story in the bible about a women who’s generosity flows into a miracle of provision!
CLICK HERE to access the session.
Here again is the SPONSORSHIP FORM should you wish to get
involved in the fundraising and the CRAFT too!
20th March 2022
The next part of our RADICAL GENEROSITY series is looking at GENEROSITY. We think about why we give to church and then how we can play our part and think about how we can raise money for the new building.
CLICK HERE to access the session.
Here again is the SPONSORSHIP FORM should you wish to get
involved in the fundraising!
13th March 2022
We continue our new series on RADICAL GENEROSITY by looking at how God has been generous to us at Werbs so far. We talked about WERBS’ AMAZNG STORY and where we play our part in that story.
CLICK HERE to access the session.
6th March 2022
This week we start our new series on RADICAL GENEROSITY by looking at where all our good gifts come from!
CLICK HERE to access the session.
You may wish to use THIS colouring sheet!
20th February 2022
We are at the end of our series on Hebrews and looking at Chapter 13.
We will see what it means to LOVE WITHOUT RESTRAINT. What does God’s love look like and how can we too show God’s love to others?!
CLICK HERE to access the session.
20th February 2022
Next Chapter is 12 and we are looking at what it means to PERSEVERE IN FAITH. We’re looking at how God calls us to keep seeking him and asking him when we pray, never giving up!
CLICK HERE to access the session.
13th Febrauary 2022
We’re now looking at Chapter 11 of Hebrews and some of God’s amazing HEROES OF FAITH. We see how they trusted God completely and followed him and that’s why they are heroes!
CLICK HERE to access the session.
Colouring sheets ONE and TWO.
6th Febrauary 2022
In the next chapter of Hebrew we’re looking at JESUS’ SACRIFICE and how much God loves us that he would give his son to die for us so we could be friends with him again!
CLICK HERE to access the session.
30th January 2022
We’re onto Chapter 6 of Hebrews and we are looking at how God is our STRONG FOUNDATION and how we can TRUST him!
CLICK HERE to access the session.
Use ONE or TWO to make the craft
23rd January 2022
This week we in Chapter 4 of Hebrews and we are looking at REST!
We’re thinking about what true rest looks like!
CLICK HERE to access the session.
We also use THIS colouring and THIS for the craft.
As well as THIS special quiz!
16th January 2022
This week we are starting continuing our series on Hebrews!
We are looking at chapter 2 where we are warned NOT TO DRIFT from what we have been told! Jesus is the way that we need to follow!
CLICK HERE to access the session.
We also use THIS for the craft.
9th January 2022
This week we are starting our series on Hebrews a great book it the New Testament! In chapter 1 we hear how Jesus is BETTER THAN everything else even the angels!
CLICK HERE to access the session.
All sessions are created from several different sources including