Hi Werb’s Kids and Werb’s Parents!
How are you doing? Honestly, how are you really feeling?
Many of us will have mixed emotions entering this week whether you like being homeschooled or not and how you feel and about once again not being able to do everything you want like going out regularly and seeing your friends.
Today we are thinking about our emotions and feelings and how God wants us to tell him how we’re doing like King David did when he wrote his Psalms.
Really hope you were able to join us online this week but as always if not then you can catch up on the STWDerby YouTube channel!
Stay safe and stay connected!
Amy x
We’ve been through a crazy year. 2020 was not what any of us expected it to be and now this year has too started off in a way we didn’t expect either! We are back in lockdown being home-schooled and many of us won’t have had the chance to process or properly think about all that’s happened over the last year.
Things have changed a lot and we have all just had to deal with it and you must be very proud of yourself and give yourself a big clap for doing so well this past year with what you have had to face!
But today as we are thinking about our feelings we need to give ourselves a moment or two to be sad and mourn for the things we’ve missed and forgive 2020 for what happened.
Often when someone feels sad we try our hardest to make them feel better.
But sometimes it is okay to feel sad. There are sometimes good reasons to be sad.
When we think of 2020 many of us might feel sad. Lots of us haven’t seen family or friends in a long time, we haven’t been allowed to hug our families and friends and not doing being able to do all the things we really want to is very hard.
So it is right to take some time to feel the sadness and by feeling sad help us to move on from it and feel better.
This morning Amy helped us think about saddness and how there are times when we are really really REALLY sad and there are other times when we are just a tiny bit sad.
She gave us a list of things so we could think about this. Below is the same list with some more added to it. Take some more time now to go through the list and think about how sad some of these things would make you feel.
A member of your family is really ill or passed away
You miss your favourite TV programme
You lose your favourite toy
Your best teacher leaves school
People make fun of you
You can’t see your friends
You aren’t allowed to hug your Grandma or Grandpa
Your best friend moves away
It’s raining and you want to go to the park
You aren’t allowed an ice cream
You watch a sad tv programme or read something sad
Sometimes we only feel a bit sad and only for a moment and sometimes we can feel very sad and for a lot longer.
REMEMBER: It is okay to feel however you feel.
In fact in the bible King David wrote some Psalms talking about his feelings to God. He would tell God how he was happy or sad or angry or frustrated he was and tell him all about what was happening in his life. And you have permission, you are allowed to do the same and tell God how you feel, what’s happened this week and what you really think about it all.
This morning we heard about David’s songs/prayers and how he shared how he thought with God but always trusted him to help him through whatever he faced. If you missed it or want a recap then you can watch this video below.
It’s amazing how David knew that he could tell God anything and this is such a good story for us to remember and what it means to share our feelings with God.
But at the beginning though we did say how there are also things that we do to help us feel better and happier again.
In Psalm 43 which we heard this morning, King David tells us about his sadness but then it turns around and we hear how he will praise God no matter how he feels and decides that God deserves his praise. David knows God will help him face his sadness and help him be better once again. However you are feeling at the moment God understands and he is with you and will help you through.
Amy shared with us this morning the prayer that was used during our virtual summer club last year. At the end of the prayer we were able to tell God exactly how we felt and why wet fel that way.
Why not use this prayer regularly for your morning or night time prayers to help you tell God and others how you are feeling and why. Remember when others know how we feel they can help us work out how to feel better and happier again.
“Lord God, you are always with me.
You are with me in the day and in the night.
You are with me when I’m happy and when I’m sad.
You are with me when I’m healthy and when I am ill.
You are with me when I am peaceful
and when I am worried.
Today I am feeling (name how you are feeling)
because (reasons you are feeling this way).
Help me to remember that you love me and are with me in everything today.
Take some time to be honest with God about how you are feeling. You might be feeling sad as we have mentioned but then again you might be super happy to be home!
You can feel however you want about lockdown! All the Psalms are different and each is full of all kinds of emotions, happy or sad.
At random pick 3 Psalms to look at and write down 5 things that you see in each Psalm.
This can then help you when you write your Psalm.
A Psalm is like a prayer or poem to God. So below are a list of questions you can choose to answer to help you create your Psalm.
What would you like to say to God?
What do or would you thank God for?
What makes you happy or glad?
What makes you sad?
When are you afraid? [if they haven't been introduced to any concept of fear, you might want to skip this and the next question.]
What makes you afraid?
What do you need help with?
Where is God?
How do you know God exists?
How have you been blessed by God?
Why should we obey God?
Do you have friends?
What do you like about your parents or friends?
Is God like a parent or friend to you?
Do you have enemies?
How can you love your enemies?
Sing a song to God
You can write your answers down and then why not make it into a pretty poster that you can hang up on the fridge or on your bedroom wall?
Some things to do during the talk:
Can you draw some of the feelings David shows in Psalm 43?
Get creative!
Create your own Paper Emoji Magic Card!!
HERE is a YouTube video so you can follow the instructions, it’s not the simplest so you might need some help from your parents to make this!Make an emotion bookmark!
You could go freestyle and just go ahead and make your own bookmark and put on it some emotions.
HERE is a great website to help you make one. They do tell you to use duct-tape but you can miss this out.
The song I’ve chosen for this week is one which was written by Matt Redman. He says he wrote this song as a way to help him and his wife sing to God during really tough seasons of life. To worship God, trust Him and no matter what know that he will always be the best path to take.
They wanted to remind themselves that no matter what they face God always deserved to be blessed and praised. Have a look at the songs lyrics and look carefully at the choice of words.
See if you can work out which of the places Matt Redman describes are words that could describe good times in someone’s life or bad times in someone’s life.
“Blessed Be Your Name
In the land that is plentiful
Where Your streams of abundance flow
Blessed be Your name
Blessed Be Your name
When I’m found in the desert place
Though I walk through the wilderness
Blessed Be Your name
Every blessing You pour out
I’ll turn back to praise
When the darkness closes in, Lord
Still I will say
Blessed be the name of the Lord
Blessed be Your name
Blessed be the name of the Lord
Blessed be Your glorious name”
“Blessed be Your name
When the sun’s shining down on me
When the world’s ‘all as it should be’
Blessed be Your name
Blessed be Your name
On the road marked with suffering
Though there’s pain in the offering
Blessed be Your name
Every blessing You pour out
I’ll turn back to praise
When the darkness closes in, Lord
Still I will say
Blessed be the name of the Lord
Blessed be Your name
Blessed be the name of the Lord
Blessed be Your glorious name
You give and take away
You give and take away
My heart will choose to say
Lord blessed be Your name”
Created by Amy Farrar from several sources including energize.uk.net