Be ready!
Are you ready for God to use you?
This week we meet a new King, Belshazzar, who experiences something a little crazy!
After years of waiting Daniel is called upon again and he is ready to work out what God is telling the new King.
The service starts at 9:30am on
But this button will go live about 11am on Sunday 28th February for you to watch the service again if you missed it live! You won’t want to miss out!
Hope you enjoyed our Werb’s Kids Service this morning!!
We would love to know your feedback so please don’t hesitate to message or email ( so that we can keep making it better and better and involving more and more people!
We are still in Daniel and this week we look at Chapter 5. But the big question as always is…
do you remember what happened in the story?
In our service today we also had a mini quiz looking back at the previous chapters of Daniel to see how much we remembered from them too! Hopefully you managed to get some of the them right and were able to remember some of the important facts about the previous chapters and the stories in them!
We did say that it is hard sometimes to remember all that we’ve learnt and that actually in our story today there is a new king who hasn’t learnt or remembered anything that has gone before him!
We saw in the other chapters that King Nebuchadnezzar learnt some very important lessons about who’s really in charge: GOD! But in our story today which takes place many many MANY years later King Belshazzar, the new king, doesn’t recognise God as in control. It’s so important to remind ourselves regularly that God is in charge and to remember to keep learning, and becoming more like Jesus. But also this is a story of listening to your parents!
We also see in our story today how the new king wasn’t doing what he should have, so God has to grab his attention and this happens in a crazy way!
“King Belshazzar has a big banquet
for loads of his friends.
King Belshazzar wants to impress his guests so gets the special cups that had been stolen from the old temple of God in Jerusalem.
King Belshazzar disrespects God
and drinks from these cups!
God makes a giant hand appear out of nowhere and it writes words on the wall of the room.
Everyone is shocked and none of the king’s wise men knew what the words meant.
Daniel is called to explain the words!
He explains to the king that the words mean that he won’t be king for long and someone will come take his kingdom away from him.
That very night an army came and took over the kingdom of Babylon.
And Darius the Mede becomes the new King.”
The King was very disrespectful to God and was another king too full of himself to care about God.
At his big party he used the stolen cups that were only for the temple and he drinks from them.
He does not care that these were used in the temple to worship God.
And so God gets his attention and tell him he’s doing wrong.
We were reminded this morning that once again God talks to someone who doesn’t know him or care about him.
So if we love God, how much more do you think he wants to talk to us??
Now God grabs his attention in a crazy way!
He writes on the wall! AND YOU SHOULD NEVER DO THIS!!!!!
So why does God do it in today’s story? Do you think maybe it was a very important message and God knew he had to do something crazy in order to grab the new king’s attention?
So God writes some strange words on the wall which no one seems to understand except…
Daniel was once again on hand to help explain what God was wanting to tell the king and even though he was offered everything like money and status, he only wanted God to be glorified.
Daniel had been faithfully serving God all the time that he was waiting in the background. Like we said at the beginning there is a long time between chapter 4 what happens in chapter 5. Daniel gets old but he never stops trusting God and when the time comes and he’s needed again to help the King, he’s ready to step up.
Whilst Daniel was waiting I’m certain he was building his relationship with God. He was practising and listening to what God had to say to him in his own life so that he was ready to explain what God was saying to others.
So today I think we need to again think about being more like Daniel. We need to trust God always so, when we’re at the front and things are good and when we’re in the background and things might be a little dark.
We learn from Daniel that there is nothing more important than praying, building and strengthening your relationship with God.
SPARKS (Preschool)
What do you remember about the story?
It’s a very strange isn’t it!!
The King doesn’t care about God! He has a big banquet with all his friends and uses special cups that should have only been used in God’s temple which is like a church!
Have fun now making your own banquet. You could get out your tea set or if you have a play kitchen use that to make your own banquet just like the king did! BUT not like the King make sure you look after the things you use, making sure they belong to you and you are allowed to use them!
God writes a special message to get the King’s attention and he doesn’t understand it.
Can you think of any words you’ve ever heard that you don’t understand?
Daniel comes and helps the King work out what God is trying to tell him.
Daniel is very helpful and because he loves God he’s able to understand the words God has written to the King.
Do you love God? Are you good at helping people?
One way we can show that we love God is by helping people!
Think of one way you can be helpful this week.
Maybe you could help tidy up your toys or be extra kind. Or eat all your dinner and clean up once you’ve finished.
You can end by saying this prayer together:
“Dear God,
Thank you that you used Daniel and that we can see how much he loved you, God
Help us to love you more and always trust you.
Please help us today be ready to help others like Daniel too.
In the story which part stood out the most to you?
Lots happens and it’s quite an odd story!
How many questions do you think you could you answer without looking back at the passage?
Have a go and then if there are any questions you struggle with, grab a bible and find the answer in Chapter 5!
What happened during Belshazzar’s party?
Who was able to explain the writing on the wall?
How was he able to tell them what it meant?
What else do you know about Daniel?
What were the words on the wall?
What did the words mean?
What happened to Belshazzar?
Belshazzar basically laughed in the face of God!
He took the special cups from the temple and used them for his party – all the while praising false gods.
Belshazzar knew about the one true God. His father, after all, was Nebuchadnezzar who we have heard about before. Nebuchadnezzar had to learn who was in charge: GOD!
And yet, even though Belshazzar knew about God, he didn’t have a relationship with God. He made fun of God and denied His power.
Are there ever times when you are in danger of making fun of God?
Do you ever treat God as less than He is?
What are some ways that we might treat God as less than He is?
How can we give God the honour and praise He is due?
Think about the word respect.
Look it up in a Dictionary and Thesaurus.
You’ll find that the word respect means to show someone that you really admire or appreciate them because of who they are and what they have done.
You’ll also find other words like RESPECT which hopefully will help you understand it better.
As well as respecting God think about how you respect those in your family.
To show respect can be a way of showing how much you care about someone. You can do this in several ways:
WHAT YOU DO - your actions can show that you respect and care about someone or something
WHAT YOU SAY - the way you talk about someone or something shows what you really think about the,.
HOW YOU LISTEN - this is one of the best ways to show you respect someone.
Do you need to show someone or something a little more respect this week?
But you can also respect the space you are in and the things you have. How do you look after the things you have? Do you value and care for them or do you disrespect what you have by just leaving it on the floor or throwing it around and not putting it away proper? You could be more respectful this week by thinking about how you care for the things you own.
As we find out in our story today, time has moved on and King Belshazzar is now on the throne of Babylon, he is giving a great banquet for 1000 guests when a hand starts to write a mysterious message on one of the walls in the palace – handily near a lampstand so everyone can see it.
Just before the hand starts to write King Belshazzar has ordered that all the precious silver and gold cups that had been taken from the Temple in Jerusalem are to be used by his party guests. These weren't just ordinary cups but ones that had only to be used ceremonially in the Temple, they were part of the Temple's sacred objects. This is a massive insult to God.
The hand, writing on the wall terrifies King Belshazzar. In spite of offering a purple cloak and gold chain as a reward, none of his wise men can translate and explain the message.
BUT then they call Daniel!
Grab a bible and read one of these passages from today’s story:
Can you put them into your own words?
You could rap them, write them like a poem, perform it/act it out, whatever other style you want!
Then choose 3 words or very short phrases to describe Daniel.
How would you best describe Daniel?
Draw a picture of what you think Daniel looked like and write around it those words that you would use to describe him.
I think he was wise, respectful, God honouring, and truthful.
Daniel always knew he was right in what he was saying, because he had heard it directly from God, he never ‘bigged up' his own part, he always gave the glory to God, he was always respectful to the king he was addressing even when he wasn’t respectful to him or his God. He also told the truth about what the message was even though it could have had drastic consequences for himself as it wasn’t a message of good news!
How can you be like Daniel this week?
Would you use those words to describe Daniel to describe you?
Is there a way you can be more respectful or truthful this week?
You might want to write yourself a challenge of how you will be more respectful or truthful or God honouring this week.
Being respectful can take many forms!
You could be more respectful to your family this week by caring for them with your actions, being kind with your words or listening carefully when they are talking to you.
Doing what your parents say might not be your favourite thing but this shows you respect what they are saying.
But you can also respect the space you are in and the things you have. How do you look after the things you have?
Do you value and care for them or do you disrespect what you have by just leaving it on the floor or throwing it around and not putting it away proper? You could be more respectful this week by thinking about how you care for the things you own.
For those who LOVE colouring and activity sheets check these out:
Do some finger painting!
Just like how God used a hand to write use yours to paint.
Talk to God as you paint. Tell him how you are feeling and ask him to talk to you.For those who are slightly older you can use this as a way to hear from God.
Begin by sitting quietly and say together “please God will you speak to me”.
Then ask God which colour you should paint in. Pick up that colour and draw/paint!
Then whilst you paint ask God what he is trying to tell you.Write a secret message!
You will need for this some paper and some lemon juice! (Hopefully you’ll have some left over from pancake day!)
Use the lemon juice to write or draw on the paper. Once it is dry it should be invisible.
To see your message again you’ll need to make it hot so grab a hairdryer and heat up the paper. As the dried lemon juice heats it will turn brown and the message will appear!Hand Craft
Draw round your hand onto card and cut out.
Place a pencil on the back of the card hand and line up the tip of the pencil with one of the fingers, cello tape in place.
Write with the pencil the words from Daniel 5:25
This activity is to remind you from the story to be humble and remember that God is in charge.Paper chain necklace
Using yellow or gold paper or by colouring paper yellow or gold if possible as a reminder that God honoured Daniel and made him the third highest ruler in the country.Make a prayer flower like the one you saw in our service today!
You will need some cardboard, scissors, paint and some clothes pegs.
Cut out of the cardboard a large round circle. This will be the centre of your flower.
Then cut out some petals to go round the outside. These need to be individual and make sure they will fit on your flower!
Paint or colour in the middle of your flower yellow and the petals a different colour so they stand out. Like Joseph you might want to write letters on your petals so you can remember what to pray for. He spelt out the word SPRING with his letter but yours can have anything on them or spell out any word.
Here are some more ideas of what letters might want to use:T for Thank You
S for Sorry
P for Please
N for Nearby
W for Worldwide
M for Me
F for FamilyOnce you have painted your petals glue or stick on the clothes pegs. This will mean when you pray you can add them to the flower to create the full prayer flower!
What a fun way to pray!
Daniel probably spent hours in prayer and worshipping God. He knew how important it was to have a good relationship with him.
Remember praying is just talking to God and you can do this anywhere and anyway!
Listen to this song and ask God to fill you with his spirit and meet you today!
Whilst you worship God make a “wall of praise” where you can make posters praising God.
Stick them onto a wall at home as a reminder of how great God is and to praise him.
Send us pictures of your praise posters so we can all see them next week. Just email:
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