17th to the 21st August we are looking at how life is like a rollercoaster!
We know that there are lots of UPS and DOWNS in life.
There are times when things are really good and times when things are hard and we struggle. But we need to remind ourselves that God is the same today, yesterday and forever and we can count on him through anything - any up and any down!
So join us each weekday for our holiday club as we explore this!
Every week day morning is a 10am @werbskids instagram live!
We will worship together, play a game and journey together meeting people from the bible who had lots of UPS and DOWNS in their lives.
We’ll see how God supported them reminding ourselves that God will do the same for us.
As part of the week we’ll be completing special booklets made for us by Aredee!
Make sure you can join in and have yours by downloading it below!
I’m so glad you’re joining us this week for our online kids club!
As mentioned this morning on our instagram live we are looking at how life is like a rollercoaster full of UPS and DOWNS, TWISTS and TURNS but God is with us through everything we face so we do not need to be afraid.
We talked this morning about names for God and in your booklet there’s a little section with drawings with some of the names.
Watch THIS video which has even more names we use for God and add some more names that they mention and if you an even draw a picture next to it!
Are there any names that you don’t understand?
Have a conversation with mummy or daddy and if you get stuck message @werbskids on insta and Amy will reply and try to help explain any words for God you don’t get or understand.
We’re looking at rollercoasters so why don’t you today build one!? Maybe you could use duplo or lego or if you have a hot-wheels track you could make some cars spin around a track! Then whilst you play think about the questions I ask in the booklet about times when things are good and times when you have found things hard. Thank God that no matter what you face he is ALWAYS with you!
As we’re talking about God’s names and phrases we use to describe him why not pick your favourite phrase that describes God and make a picture!?
Here are some colouring sheets should you need some inspiration or if you can’t think of what to draw!
I would also LOVE to see all your creations this week. Please send me pictures of your crafts that I can show on our live tomorrow and throughout the week!
This morning we played Pictionary where I drew a picture of one of the phrases and you had to guess which one it was! With some of the new words you’ve discovered from the video or others you’ve remembered you could play this game again and see how good you are at drawing and then guessing the names of God!
OR you could play hangman! Again using the phrases and words you’ve learnt that talk about who God is see if you can win at hangman and guess what the words are.
This is one of my favourite songs and it’s by the same bad who gave us our favourite song “Lighthouse”!
As they say at the beginning of this video there is lots of bad news in the world at the moment but we have good news that Jesus is our rescuer! Spend some time thanking God for Jesus our rescuer! Thank God that he sent his son to die for us so that we could be free and have hope. Then think about some of the bad news you have heard recently and ask God to help those who are struggling.
Write or draw your prayers and send them to @werbskids so that we can display them on our instagram so others can pray with us.
One man from the bible who had lots of UPS and DOWNS in his life was Moses.
Have you ever heard of him before?
This morning Amy read his story from Jesus Storybook Bible. And we learnt a lot about who he was and what happened to him. But that’s just one story of 3 that is in the Jesus Storybook Bible so make sure you read on and learn more! HERE is a little video though to remind you of his story and all the crazy twists and turns his life held.
Don’t forget to draw an UP so a GOOD part and a DOWN so a BAD part in your booklet from Moses’ life. When God meets Moses at the burning bush he showed him a few miracles to prove that he was with him. But God also did lots of other miracles during Moses’ life. Can you name any? Add them to your booklet and draw some pictures of your favourite ones!
Hope you had fun making a rollercoaster yesterday! I have another fun thing you can make as you think about the UPS and DOWNS of life.
Let’s make a ball run!!
THIS video here shows you how to make it and THIS website is where you. can find the original instructions!
But in short you’ll need some card, tape and of course a little ball!
Moses had a life full of UPS and DOWNS and lots of TWISTS and TURNS but he trusted God and stayed close to him. Do you have a favourite part of Moses’ story? Using play dough or salt dough see if you can recreate it!
Here are few parts of his story you might like to make:
Down: When Moses was born his life was in danger. He was put into a basket and his mum put him on the river to keep him alive.
Up: Moses was found by the Princess. He ended up living in the palace.
Down: Moses knew that he wasn’t really a prince. He knew he was part of God’s family, the Israelite who were all slaves in Egypt. He thought it was all unfair and then he made a mistake and ran away.
Up: God spoke to Moses through the burning bush and told him he would use Moses to save his people.
Down: Moses went to talk to Pharaoh but he said NO to setting God’s people free. There were 10 plagues that hurt Egypt until…
Up: Pharaoh set them free!
Down: BUT Pharaoh changed his mind and went after the Israelites!
Up: God parted the sea in half to allow his people to walk through to safety! God’s people were free!!
This morning we played hide and seek with a little figure that I had a little bit like where’s Wally! We played it because of how Moses as a baby was put in a basket and was hidden from Pharaoh so that he would live. You could count this as a DOWN as his mum had to give him up to save him but it is also an UP because Moses lives and becomes a Prince!
Why not play hide and seek with your family or like I did hide a object that some one has to find. Who’s best at hiding and who’s best at finding!?
Even though life wasn’t always easy for Moses he knew that God was with him and was willing to ask for help when he felt he couldn’t go to Pharaoh alone. Listen to this song and look at the lyrics. We can depend on God and don’t need to be afraid as he will always help us and give us strength when we need it through any DOWN we face in our lives.
“You are my strength when I am weary
You are my hope if my light seems to fade
You are my peace if I am restless
Jesus I, I depend on You
Jesus I, I depend on You
I know who I am, I don’t have to be afraid
You calm the storms, there’s power in Your name
Even when I am feeling weak, it’s Your strength that carries me
Jesus I, I belong to You”
“You are my compass if I’m drifting
You are the voice that stills all my fears
You are the arms that pull me closer
Jesus I, I depend on You
Jesus I, I depend on You
I can depend on you
Father, friend, you’re everything to me
I can depend on you
Jesus you are everything I need”
This couple from the bible had lots of UPS and DOWNS in their life.
They are quite well known and Abraham is called a Father of the faith because he was one of the first people God chose.
Amy read this morning from the Jesus Storybook Bible the story of God’s promise to Abraham. And just like Moses there are other stories in this bible of Abraham’s life which you can also read. But HERE is a brief overview of their story so you can add to your booklet and draw an UP (GOOD) and a DOWN (BAD) part of their life.
God promises Abraham to have as many children as the stars in the sky. And for Abraham this is amazing because he’s so old. Remind yourself of this promise by making these star crafts!
- Shooting Star Craft
HERE is where you can find the instructions to make it!
- Paper Stars
These paper stars are so easy to make! HERE are the instructions. They do suggest tissue paper but you could do this with normal paper which you could decorate yourself!
Play the same game Amy did this morning! You will need a few coins and a cup.
How many coins can you either throw or flick into the cup. Make sure you clean up after if you end up missing and coins go everywhere!
Abraham and Sarah didn’t always get things right. There were times when they messed up.
God made a promise to them that they would have many many children but they were old and they had to wait years and years and YEARS for the promise of a child to happen.
After a little while they didn’t trust God or believe that it could happen as they were so old so they tried to fix it themselves but this was not God’s plan. They had to wait and even though the messed up God still fulfilled the promise and gave them a child when Abraham was 100years old!
We all mess up sometimes don’t we! You probably have even already messed up in some way today and this week. Listen to the song below and spend some time saying sorry to God. When you own up and take responsibility for the wrong things you’ve done this is called confessing.
If we confess and own up to the bad stuff we do God ALWAYS ALWAYS ALWAYS forgives us.
In your booklet you will see a compass with a promise underneath.
When we go the wrong way and do wrong things we aren’t following the way God has for us.
Make the promise today by colouring in the compass and the words that you will follow God even when it gets hard.
We have looked at Joseph a few times before so I wonder if you’re able to remember anything that happens in his life? Plus if you’ve seen Joseph and his technicolour dreamboat you should be able to remember some of the things that happen to him! Watch THIS video if you need a reminder of the UPS and DOWNS Joseph faced in his life.
The description of this video sums up perfectly what we are looking at today: Joseph’s life was filled with ups and down. But God had a plan for him and helped him get through the hard times!
Amy shared a story with us this morning about British biologist Alfred Russel Wallace.
One day, Alfred found an Emperor Moth cocoon and took it home so he could watch the beautiful moth emerging from the cocoon. He was excited as a tiny opening appeared at one end of the cocoon, and Emperor Moth started to emerge.
But as the hours went by, the moth all-day to struggle to squeeze through the tiny hole and was making no progress.Fearing that the beautiful moth was stuck, despite its struggling and pushing, the nature-lover Alfred took pity on the creature, took a pair of scissors and snipped off the last piece of the cocoon which allowed the moth to emerge easily.
The moth had small, shrivelled up wings and a big swollen body. But Alfred expected that its wings at any minute now would enlarge and expand and, being able to support the body, the beautiful moth would fly away to freedom. But nothing happened!
In fact, the little moth spent the rest of his life crawling around with a swollen body and shrivelled wings. It never was able to fly.
What Alfred did not understand was that the struggle required for this moth to get through the tiny opening of the cocoon is the way of forcing fluid from the body of the moth into its wings so that it can fly and survive. True freedom would only come after the struggle.What might this tell us about the struggles we go through? Sometimes the struggles we go through have a bigger purpose and the hard times we face help make us stronger. Just like Joseph says somethings things that were meant for evil God will use for our good.
Why not make a butterfly to remind yourself of how sometimes the hard things we face make us stronger.
HERE is where you can find some instructions of how to make a butterfly. They suggest you use a paper plate for the wings but you could just use normal paper instead. And if you don’t have google eyes you can just draw eyes onto your loo roll tube.
HERE is another cool butterfly craft where you can make a butterfly picture and the butterflies are 3D!!
This morning Amy played find the Jack with some playing cards but changed it to find Joseph! You could do the same all you need is one Jack card and 2 other cards that are not Jacks. Next mix them up and see if someone can keep track of the Jack (or Joseph) and work out where he is once the cards have been muddled up.
OR you could make your own pin the coat on Joseph a bit like pin the tail on the donkey.
You will need to first draw a picture of Joseph with normal clothes on but no multicoloured coat and cut him out. Next draw around him and then onto this outline draw and colour his amazing coat. Then cut just the coat out! Using some blue-tac attach Joseph to a wall (somewhere you can reach). Then blindfold yourself and see if you can blue-tac the coat onto Joseph in the right place!
The bridge of this song is perfect for what we are talking about today. Even what is meant to harm us or make us feel bad God can turn it for the better he can make it become something good.
Look at the lyrics and if you are struggling right now or know someone who is remember that God has not forgotten us and is with us. Talk to God today about something hard that is happening in your life or someone you love’s life right now. Draw a prayer asking God to help you and them.
“Even what the enemy means for evil
You turn it for our good
You turn it for our good and for Your glory
Even in the valley, You are faithful
You’re working for our good
You’re working for our good and for Your glory
Your plans are still to prosper
You have not forgotten us
You’re with us in the fire and the flood
You’re faithful forever
Perfect in love
You are sovereign over us”
Jesus is the most important person to us as Christians without him we wouldn’t be able to talk to God or have a relationship with him.
But I wonder, what do you know about Jesus?
Can you name any miracles or stories about Jesus?
Draw some pictures of what you know about Jesus - don’t forget Christmas and Easter are both about Jesus!
Jesus is the one who rides with us on our rollercoaster life.
He had some pretty big ups and downs in his life too. But Jesus chose the biggest DOWN of all dying so that we could have life!
You can watch THIS video all about Jesus’ life and not only remind yourself of some of the miracles he did but also understand better why Jesus died for us and better yet see that when he died that was not the end of the story!
Create a scene of your favourite part of Jesus’ story.
You could use some recycling or play dough or maybe you have special figures that you play with that you could us!? Once you’ve made your scene I’d love to see. So take a picture and tag @werbskids on instagram! We would also love to share this but will always ask permission first.
Jesus is our king so you could make a crown! Because if we are part of God’s special family that makes us princes and princesses!! Make a crown to show that you are part of God’s family.
You could design your own and cut it out or if you need help HERE is a website with outlines and instructions that you can use.
Why not try and play charades and act out stories about Jesus, Moses, Sarah + Abraham and Joseph; all the people we have met this week!
See how good you are at acting out and remembering stories that you’ve learnt this week and those that you know about Jesus!
If you find acting out hard why not try to draw it instead?
Or you could play the same game Amy played where she helped us remember the words of the bible verse:
Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever
- Hebrews 13v8
Try and see if you can remember it today and cover us words to see if you can learn it!
This morning we sang this song together.
Play it again and see if you can remember the actions. As you dance along think about the lyrics.
God loved us so much he sent Jesus to save us! Are you God’s friend? Would you like to be?
If you want to be God’s friend all you have to do is ask! Talk to your parents if you want to be his special friend. And then all you have to do is pray: Dear God, thank you for sending your son to save me. I believe that he died to forgive me and rose again to give me new life. I want to do life with you and for you to be with me each day. Help me to be more like you everyday. Love you God. Amen.
“This is the story of the cross
The Father loved us, oh so much
That when we did our very worst
Jesus gave His very best
And He died for all of us
This is the story of the cross
That we were broken, we were lost
So then You built a bridge to us
Took our hand, led us across
Oh, I’ll never know the cost
If I said thank You a million times
It’s not enough
But I’ll sing praises for all my life
’Cause I’m in love with You
Oh oh oh, amazing grace
Oh oh oh, You took my place
Oh oh oh, now I am changed
By Your mercy, Your kindness
This is the story of the cross”
“This is the meaning of the cross
That I am now a friend of God
Oh, even at my loneliest
There’s no greater love than this
You took the nails to hold me close
If I said thank You a million times
It’s not enough
But I’ll sing praises for all my life
’Cause I’m in love with You
Oh oh oh, amazing grace
Oh oh oh, You took my place
Oh oh oh, now I am changed
By Your mercy, Your kindness, Lord
The Father loved us, oh so much
That when we did our very worst
Jesus gave His very best
And He died for all of us”