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The start of our new sermon series on image and identity. Phil talked about how we live in a selfie world, but instead of looking at ourselves we need to look at God to find out who we are.
How do I belong at Werb's: PRAY SERVE GIVE | Andy Bond
Andy spoke about how we can belong at Werb’s responding to what God has done for us.
VISION: Where we are heading | Phil Mann
Phil Mann talks from Luke 19:1-10 about Transformed lives and the Vision of the Church going forward, as we enter a new year. Finding a Home and aligning ourselves behind the vision of where we are going is a fundamental part of seeing the church flourish in seeing God's Kingdom come.
Ebenezer Stones: Thus Far The Lord Has Helped Us | Phil Mann
As we celebrate Werb's first birthday, Phil shares the story of how far God has brought us. Also including testimonies from Ellie Hatcher and David Stuart of how Werb's has impacted them this past year.
JONAH PART 2: Repentance and Compassion | Andy Bond
Andy Bond continues our series of Old Testament characters by looking at the second half of the book of Jonah.
Phil Mann continues our series of Old Testament characters by looking at the first half of the book of Jonah.
Abraham: Blessed to be a blessing | Phil Mann
Next in our series, Phil looks at Abraham and how we are all blessed to be a blessing.
Rahab: Your past does not define you | Dan Dark
Dan Dark continues our series by looking at the story of Rahab and how your past does not define you.
Esther: Facing a silent God | Beks Sutcliffe
Beks Sutcliffe continues our series of Old Testament characters by looking at Esther and where God is in this story.
David: Lucozade or the Lord | Andy Bond
Andy Bond looks at the story of David and the importance of relying on God.
Joshua: Crazy Obedience | Gavin Murray
Gavin Murray starts our new series by looking at Joshua and his crazy obedience to God.
Wholly/Holy Living: Being people of truth | Phil Mann
Phil Mann finishes our series on Wholly/Holy Living looking at truth.
Wholly/Holy Living: Connecting Sunday to Monday | Andy Bond
Andy continues our series on Wholly/Holy Living by helping us connect our Sundays to our work lives on a Monday.
Wholly/Holy Living: Everything is meaningless | Phil Mann
Phil continues our series on Wholly/Holy Living by looking at what our purpose in life is.
Family On A Mission | Archie Coates
Archie Coates, vicar of St Peter's Brighton, speaks on the body of Christ in 1 Corinthians 12.
Go bear fruit | Bishop Alastair Redfern
Bishop Alastair talks on John 15v12-17 and what it means to bear fruit and share good news.
Wholly/Holy Living: Do not conform
Next in our Wholly/Holy Living series, Phil looks at Romans 12v1+2 and what it means to not conform to the world in which we live.
Wholly/Holy Living: Authentic + Intentional | Anna Mann
Anna Mann continues our series by sharing what living whole looks like and how important it is to be authentic and intentional.
Wholly/Holy Living: The only way is Ethics | Gavin Murray
Gavin Murray, director of Just-Ice, continues our series on Wholly/Holy Living by looking at how to live ethically.
Wholly/Holy Living: Anxiety | Phil Mann + Ruth Ayres
Phil continues our series on Wholly/Holy Living by interviewing Ruth Ayres about Anxiety.