Stories From Our Community (Volunteers): Simon Lewis

Over the next few weeks, we're telling the stories of some of our incredible volunteers as a means encouragement and strength as we live our lives and figure out what it means to be a Christian today. We especially want to highlight our volunteers at the moment as they are so core to who we are as a church, and to how we’re building this authentic, Christ-like community.

First up to tell his story is Simon Lewis. Simon is utterly brilliant. He's multi-faceted, serving on Production and Worship as well as being a calm, non anxious presence in our community. Quick with a joke and always armed with a wonderful story, Simon is one of those people who embodies kindness and integrity.

What you may not know, is that he also does a lot of work around the building for our community, especially when it comes to electrical components, safety and installation! As you’ll read below, he see’s it as one of the core ways in which he serves our church and blesses others.

What do you believe is the impact of serving on our building projects has on other people?

As well as the obvious making things happen so that others can enjoy the building and its facilities, it acts as a practical blessing and ministry. I might not preach a powerful sermon or pray in a ministry setting, but my practical work facilitates services, enables ministries and helps create a home for people to be blessed in.

How have you been changed by it?

I learned long ago that there is something special about acts of service, particularly when unseen and unspoken. 

When I was a teenager I asked the then head of Youth for Christ " what can I do, in and for the church?" He encouraged me to use the practical and technical knowledge I had to serve in the background. I remember him saying, "people like him" (pointing at Graham Kendrick who was having tea before heading up a concert) "get their recognition and applaud right now. God is calling you to serve unseen in the background, and your service will bless Him and those you serve".

What has been the biggest challenge of serving in this area?

Sometimes the hours are long, the work is hard and the problems mount up. Getting it done makes it worthwhile though!

How did you come to faith?

I was encouraged to join a church by friends and a family member, then was taken to a Billy Graham crusade… even though I was pretty young, the Gospel message was clear and I knew it was for me… I went forward!

How did you come to Werb's?

I'd been anticipating the start of Werb's, and came to the first weekday prayer meeting. Pretty much straight away I sensed a calling to step out and catch this crazy adventure of faith and also that Werb's was a place that would become 'home' to me.

Has serving the church had an impact on your walk with Jesus? In what way?

Yes… very much so. It's a discipline, an action that requires practical and spiritual preparation, it's a privilege, a blessing and a source of immense joy as you see people's lives being touched by the things you've helped create and facilitate.

What has been the most important thing you've learnt by serving the church?

It's so hackneyed a phrase, but it really is more blessed to give than to receive.

What would be your heart for our church, what would you love to see God do?

That every person knows that they are loved by Almighty God, that they receive salvation and that they grow in grace, gifting and knowledge of Him, so they become all that God calls them to be. I long to see God weave each member into this dynamic community of passion and purpose, so that everyone plays their part in the transformation of our church, communities and city.

Thank you Simon for all that you are, as well as all you do to serve and bless our community!
